Sta. Niña (Saint Niña) is a 2012 Filipino drama filmdirected by Emmanuel Quindo Palo. The film is Palo's first directorial venture. The film tells the story of Paulino who unexpectedly unearths the remains of his 2-year-old daughter in a lahar-filled quarry. It was one of the official entries for the New Breed Full Length Feature Category in Cinemalaya 2012.
Years after volcanic mud flow covered a town in Pampanga, Pol and his co-workers dig up the coffin of his daughter. The remains of two-year-old Marikit did not show any signs of decay. Many consider this a miracle and people troop to Pol's home to be healed by Marikit. As people are getting healed purportedly by the dead child, Pol insists that his child is worthy of being called a saint. Thus begins his crusade to get his daughter beatified. Unearthing her body digs up unresolved issues in many persons' lives. In the end, an event will make us ask if there was healing, a cleansing of sins and a chance to move on.