The spino-olivary tract is a non-specific indirect ascending pathway and is connected to the inferior olivary nuclei. The axons enter the spinal cord from the dorsal root ganglia and terminate on unknown second-order neurons in the posterior grey column.[2] The axons from the second-order neurons cross the midline and ascend as the spino-olivary tract in the white matter at the junction of the anterior and lateral columns.[2] The axons end by synapsing on third-order neurons in the inferior olivary nuclei in the medulla oblongata. The axons of the third-order neurons cross the midline and enter the cerebellum through the inferior cerebellar peduncle.[2]
The spino-olivary tract conveys information to the cerebellum from cutaneous and proprioceptive organs. Sensations are from the ipsilateral side as the fibres cross twice – once at the level of axons of second-order neurons and again at the level of axons of third-order neurons.