Société d'étude et de réalisation d'engins balistiques
Société d'étude et de réalisation d'engins balistiques (lit. Company for the Study and Production of Ballistic Devices) or SÉREB was a French aerospace company.
The company name has also been spelled slightly differently as Société d'études et de réalisation d'engins balistiques.
SEREB was created initially to develop two-stage ballistic missiles for nuclear weapons (Force de dissuasion nucléaire française). CNES was formed in 1961, which took over much development of civilian research.
The company merged with Nord Aviation in 1970 to form the much more well-known Aerospatiale (Aerospace), which began as Société nationale industrielle aérospatiale (SNIAS). This merged company became defunct in July 2000, joining EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company).