The film opens with a handsome young prince traveling through the forest in winter with his men. In a forest glen, the prince finds Snow White asleep in a glass coffin. The seven dwarfs arrive and tell the Prince of Snow White's story through flashback.
A courageous King and his fair Queen rule their kingdom well. One winter's day while sewing with her maids, the Queen accidentally pricks her finger with her needle, and a single drop of blood falls on the snow outside her windowsill. The King declares they will have a child with hair as black as ebony, cheeks as red as blood, and skin as white as snow. The Good Queen eventually gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Snow White, but dies shortly after her child is born.
Some years later, the king marries again. However, the new queen (Diana Rigg) is vain and jealous of Snow White (Nicola Stapleton). When her magic mirror tells her that Snow White is now the fairest in the land, the Evil Queen orders a huntsman (Amnon Meskin) to take Snow White into the forest and kill her, and to bring back her liver as proof of her death. During a hunting trip, the huntsman succeeds in taking Snow White away from her father, but Snow White, realizing her stepmother's plan to destroy her, manages to escape into the forest where she finds a cottage belonging to seven kindly dwarves - Iddy, Biddy, Kiddy, Diddy, Fiddy, Giddy and Liddy - who allow her to stay with them. The King is heartbroken when he is told that Snow White had been eaten by wild animals, and later he is killed in battle.
Years later, Snow White (Sarah Patterson) grows into a beautiful young maiden. When the Evil Queen asks the magic mirror "who is the fairest one of all", she learns that Snow White is still alive. The Evil Queen attempts to poison Snow White three times. First, she disguises herself as a gypsy woman and laces up Snow White so tightly in a bodice, and she falls asleep, only for the dwarves to return and cut the lace with scissors and for her to awaken. The second time, she disguises herself as a Japanese geisha selling combs and gives Snow White a comb poisoned with an oriental potion, which puts her to sleep again. The dwarves later remove the comb from her hair and destroy it. Finally, the Evil Queen disguises herself as an old peddler woman and offers Snow White a poisoned apple. Snow White resists at first but relents when the Evil Queen cuts the apple in half so they may share it. Snow White eats the poisoned red half of the apple and collapses in sleep a third time. The dwarves are unable to revive her and place her inside a glass coffin.
The film returns to the present, where the dwarves allow the Prince to take the sleeping Snow White to a proper resting place. While Snow White is being transported, the coffin accidentally falls off the wagon due to a tree getting downed in a snowstorm, causing the piece of poisoned apple to dislodge from Snow White's throat, and she awakens. The Prince is enchanted that Snow White magically revived herself and asks her to marry him, and she accepts.
Invitations to the wedding are sent throughout the land, and the Evil Queen receives one as well, leaving the magic mirror into concluding that the Prince's bride is the fairest in the land. Enraged at this answer, the Evil Queen smashes her mirror, which causes her to age rapidly. She rushes to the church in time to see that the bride is her stepdaughter Snow White; then the aged queen petrifies and blasts into pieces, until she finally disintegrates quickly into ashes carried and spreaded by the strong wind, before heading back to her royal carriage. Snow White and the Prince are officially married and live happily ever after.