1992 television film written by Michael Angeli and directed by Phedon Papamichael
Sketch Artist, also known as The Sketch Artist, is a 1992 American made-for-television crime-thriller film written by Michael Angeli and directed by Phedon Papamichael and starring Jeff Fahey, Sean Young and Drew Barrymore.[1][2][3] It was released theatrically in Canada, Sweden and South Korea.
During a homicide investigation, a police sketch artist realizes a witness is describing a suspect resembling the artist, Jack Whitfield's wife down to the last detail. Conflicted by this revelation, he withholds pertinent information and begins his own search for the truth.
Variety said it had a "smart script by journalist Michael Angeli and a strong lead performance by Jeff Fahey."[3]
A sequel starring Fahey and Courteney Cox, Sketch Artist II: Hands That See, followed in 1995.
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