"Mou Kokoro Yuretarishinaide" Released: November 1, 2006
"Sekaijuu Doko wo Sagashitemo" Released: March 21, 2007
"Samba Night" Released: April 22, 2007
Shanti is the fourth and the last studio album by Japanese singer and songwriter Aiko Kitahara. It was released on September 26, 2007, through Giza Studio. Title "Shanti" means in Sanskrit language "Peace".
The album consists of three previous released singles, such as Mou Kokoro Yuretarishinaide (もう心揺れたりしないで), Sekaijuu Doko wo Sagashitemo (世界中どこを探しても) and Samba Night.
Two tracks out of twelve were composed by Aiko herself. First press release included special photobook Photo MessageIII.[1] A special website was launched to promote album.[2]
The album charted at #87 on the Oricon charts in its first week. It charted for two weeks.[3]
Before retirement she released best of album "Aiko Kitahara Best" in 2009.