In November 2021, due to increasing threats of potential hostility from Russia, the British Government updated their stance to reflect the increased level of threat. The defence secretary announced the British Army would return to Germany to form one of three land hubs for the army. The British Army is to base around 250 tanks and armoured vehicles in Germany, to be ready to respond to a potential Russian invasion.[1]
Sennelager Training Area
Location of the Sennelager Training Area.
Guardpost with vehicle access control barrier, and red 'danger' flag aloft its flagstaff. The circular signs on the pole to the right indicate 'no pedestrians' (top) and 'no vehicles' (bottom).
North-western part of the Sennelager Training Area (Stapel exercise area). The Teutoburg Forest is in the background.
Typical training area landscape: tank tracks can be clearly seen.