Saving Santa is a 2013 animated Christmas comedy film created and written by Tony Nottage and directed by Leon Joosen, produced by Tony Nottage, Terry Stone, and Nick Simunek. The film was released direct-to-video.[2][3]
A lowly stable elf finds that he is the only one who can stop an invasion of the North Pole by using the secret of Santa's Sleigh, a TimeGlobe, to travel back in time to Save Santa, twice.[4]
Voice cast
Martin Freeman as Bernard D. Elf, the main protagonist of the film.
Tim Curry as Neville Baddington, the former antagonist of the film, and a terrorist.
Noel Clarke as Snowy, the investigating officer of the Christmas Defense Department.
^Crump, William D. (2019). Happy Holidays—Animated! A Worldwide Encyclopedia of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and New Year's Cartoons on Television and Film. McFarland & Co. p. 275. ISBN9781476672939.