Village in Rajasthan, India
Sajanwasi is a village in Jasrasar Tehsil within the Bikaner district of the Indian state of Rajasthan .
Village in Rajasthan, India
Villagers primarily rely on agriculture , and many of them own their own enterprises.
As per the 2011 Census , the population numbered 2,304, including 1,216 males and 1,088 females. The Literacy rate of this village is 60.75%.[ 3]
100% of the village follows Hinduism .[ 4]
Religion in Sajanwasi Village (2011)[ 5]
Distribution of religions in Sajanwasi Village
Bagri , a dialect of Rajsthani is the most spoken language here. The village administration follows Hindi as their official language.[ 6]
Languages of Sajanwasi village(2011)
Sajanwasi is located near the Bikaner-Napasar-Ladnun Highway, SH-20(B) .[ 7] The roads are in good condition. No railway services reaches the village. Inhabitants travel to Nokha or Bikaner for railway transportation.[ 8]