Smal-Stocki, Roman. The Nationality Problem of the Soviet Union.
Smal-Stocki, Roman, 1893-1969: Abriss der ukrainischen Substantivbildung. (Wien, Buchhandlung der Szewczenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Lemberg, 1915)[1]
Smal-Stocki, Roman, 1893-1969: Abriss der Ukrainischen Substantivbildung. (Wien, 1915)
The captive nations: nationalism of the non-Russian nations in the Soviet Union. Smal-Stocki, Roman, 1893-1969. Book, 1960.[2]
Ukraïnska mova v Sovetskyĭ Ukrainy by Smal-Stocki, Roman, 1893-1969: 1969, Book
The Slavic Institute of Marquette University, 1949-1961, by Roman Smal-Stocki and Alfred J. Sokolnicki.[3]
The Origin of the Word 'Rus'. 1949.
Slavs and Teutons. The oldest Germanic-Slavic Relations, 1950
The Nationality Problem of the Soviet Union and Russian Communist Imperialism, 1952
J. S. C. de Radius. An unknown Forerunner of Comparative Slavic Literature, 1959
The History of Modern Bulgarian Literature, 1960 [Manning, Clarence A.]