Resculum or Rucconium[4] was an ancient Romanfort in the Roman province of Dacia. The ruins are located near the village of Bologa, Cluj county, at the confluence of river Sebeș with river Criș, on the promontory of a hill. A vicus developed close to the castrum.[5] An inscription cited by Károly Torma but now lost named the associated civil settlement as Anartorum.[6]
1. In the early phase, right after Trajan's Dacian Wars, the castrum was made of earth and timber. Initially Cohors I Ulpia Brittonum miliaria equitata was stationed there but it was later moved to Porolissum and replaced by Cohors II Hispanorum (renamed Cohors II Hispanorum scutata Cyrenaica equitata).[7]
2. The fort was enlarged a couple of decades later as the presence of Cohors I Aelia Gaesatorum miliaria is also attested at the site.[8]
3. At the beginning of the 3rd century it was rebuilt from stone [9] and reached a size of 133,30x213m.[8] A horreum is attested at the site with a second, smaller logistic building of unknown function also present within the walls. It also manned numerous ancillary structures connected to it such as watchtowers and fortlets.[10]