Rescue Me is a Britishromantic comedy television series produced by Tiger Aspect Productions and broadcast on BBC One in 2002. It was created, and principally written, by David Nicholls and stars Sally Phillips as Katie Nash, a woman who is recovering from a divorce while at the same time writing relationship features for Eden, the women's magazine she works on. The series was filmed from November to December 2001.[1] It ran for six episodes, averaging 3.4 million viewers and a 15% audience share in its Sunday night timeslot. The low ratings meant it was not recommissioned for a second series, leaving an unresolved cliffhanger.[2] Nicholls had written four episodes of the unmade second series before discovering Rescue Me had been cancelled. As a result, he took a break from screenwriting to concentrate on his debut novelStarter for Ten.[3] A cover version of "Rescue Me", performed by Oliver Darley, is the series theme tune.[4]
Sally Phillips as Katie Nash, a feature writer on a magazine.
Stewart Wright as Eddie Chisholm, the sub-editor who is Katie's shoulder to cry on.
Oliver Chris as Luke Chatwin, the humorous photographer.
^Staff writer (5 April 2002). "Robbie's rival is back". Lancashire Evening Telegraph. Newsquest Media Group. Gordon will be touring with rising star Oliver Darley, best known for his rendition of Rescue Me, for the hit BBC series of the same name.