Loubert was publisher of Aardvark-Vanaheim until she and husband Dave Sim (owner and major contributor to Aardvark-Vanaheim) divorced, at which point she started Renegade and moved to the United States. With the move, all of Aardvark-Vanaheim's titles (with the exception of Cerebus) left that publisher to continue with Renegade. These included Flaming Carrot Comics, normalman, Neil the Horse, and Ms. Tree.
Although Renegade started in high-profile fashion, its titles suffered from low print runs.[1] In early 1988, Renegade refit its publishing strategy,[2] but suspended all publications later that year. In July 1989 the publisher was shut down for good.[3]
3-D Zone Pack Vol. 2 (#6–10)
3-D Zone Set
Agent Unknown (1987–1988), #1–3
Amusing Stories
Howard Cruse's Barefootz: The Comix Book Stories (1986), #1