In 2017 the population of Rauville-la-Place was 376. In 2007 there were 172 multi-person families and forty-eight single person homes (with twenty men and twenty-eight females living alone), 56 were couples without children, 56 couples with children and 12 single-parent families.
Population growth and loss is shown in the following chart:
Graphs are unavailable due to technical issues. Updates on reimplementing the Graph extension, which will be known as the Chart extension, can be found on Phabricator and on
Rauville-la-Place had 227 homes, 172 were primary homes, of which thirty-five were second residences and fifteen were unoccupied. Two-hundred-seventeen of these were houses and three were apartment buildings. Of the 172 primary residences, 139 were occupied by its owners, 37 were occupied by renters and their families and three were let at no cost. Nine residences had two bedrooms, 23 had three, 44 had four and the rest had. 131 residences had one parking place on the property, with 82 residences having one vehicle, and 75 having two or more.[4]
In 2007, 245 residents were of working age, of which 186 were active and 59 inactive. Of the 186 people considered to be active, 175 were employed and eleven were unemployed. Of the fifty-nine who were inactive, thirty-one were retired, ten were students and eighteen were classified as "other inactive".[5]
In 2009 there were 172 properties in Rauville-la-Place, with a population of 387. The median annual taxable income per person was 17,816 €.[6]
Economic Activity
Of the 11 business establishments in Rauville-la-Place in 2007, 1 was a grocer's, 6 were construction businesses, 2 were car repair businesses and 2 were lodging and restaurant businesses.[7]
There were 6 service businesses in Rauville-la-Place in 2009: a bricklayer, a painter and plasterer, a carpenter, a plumber, an electrician and a restaurant.[8]
The only commercial establishment in 2009 was a chemist's shop.[9]
In 2000 there were 28 farms in Rauville-la-Place, occupying a total of 833 hectares.[10]