Set in a post-apocalypticLos Angeles of 2057, Hawkins Coselow, a crippled soldier, along with his ex-lover, Chandra Kerkorian, share vivid psychosexual dreams. Dr. Alexis Zalazny is working on a cybernetic program that will help Coselow walk again. The program sort of works, but everything goes deadly wrong when Coselow becomes a killing machine that can interface with any computer. He ends up killing several people belonging to a resistance movement.
The rebels are led by Omegas, cybernetically altered humans, battled government forces in the crime-ridden streets. In time, the Omegas reprogrammed themselves and carried out their own deadly agenda. In the end, the Omegas were destroyed, except one - implanted in a child, Chandra Kerkorian. Now grown, she is ready to lead the rebellion again.
Lane Lenhart as Chandra Kerkorian
Robert Tossberg as Hawkins Coselow
Brenda Swanson as Dr. Alexis Zalazny
Paul Coulj as Dr. Taurence Roberts
Mitchell Cox as Ariel
Sebastian Scandiuzzi as Sebastian
Harold Cannon as Rev. Delaney
Zack Nesis as Teague
Woon Young Park as Imperia (as Woon Park)
Bill Barschdorf as Prototype (as Bill Barshdorf)
Eric Fedorin as Prototype / Street Fighter
Marcus Aurelius as Toto Mendez (as Marcus Aurelious)