Murmu visited various states as part of the campaign around the country seeking support for her candidature, from BJP lawmakers and other opposition parties. She visited NE states, the JMM party of Jharkhand, BJD of Odisha, Shiv Sena of Maharashta, BSP of Uttar Pradesh, JDS of Karnataka and many others were some of the prominent opposition parties that extended their support to her.[2][3][4]
Oaths administered
The following officials and office-holders were administered oath by President Murmu.
First-ever state visit. Visit commemorated with 150th anniversary of arrival of Indians in Suriname. Received by President Chandrikapersad Santokhi and accorded guard of honour. Conferred with the Grand Order Chain of the Honorary Order of the Yellow Star by the president. Attended cultural event on occasion of 150th anniversary and addressed Indian community reception. Met with President Santokhi and witnessed signing of important documents. Visited Shri Vishnu Mandir and Lalla Rookh Museum.
First-ever presidential visit to Serbia. Received and welcomed by Aleksandar Vučić and accorded guard of honour. Held delegation level talks with the president and made joint press statements. Met with Prime Minister Ana Brnabić and visited memorial of the Warrior.