Poovilangu is a 1984 Indian Tamil-language film directed by Ameerjan, starring Mohan, Murali and Kuyili, the latter in her acting debut. It was released on 23 March 1984.[1] The film is a remake of the Kannada film Prema Parva (1983).[citation needed] This film is the acting debut of Mohan who was then referred with the stage name 'Poovilangu' Mohan in the later phase.
Poovilangu marked the directorial debut of Ameerjan who earlier assisted K. Balachander.[2] The film marked the acting debuts of Murali (in Tamil) and Kuyili.[3][4] Mohan became known as Poovilangu Mohan after acting in this film.[5]
Jayamanmadhan of Kalki appreciated the film for various aspects, including way the characters were developed without any confusion, and the screenplay.[8]