The film is based on the story of Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie, blending it with an original narrative set in the present day. The film draws a connection between the stories of Barrie and the real life Great Ormond Street Hospital, echoing sentiments shared by Barrie himself, who left all the rights to Peter Pan to the hospital in 1929, a few years before his death.
It was first broadcast on 26 December 2015.[citation needed]
Lucy Rose is a teenage girl with a heart condition who is awaiting risky surgery that would save her life. Late in the night before her operation she is allowed to be given an original first edition copy of Peter Pan by a staff member from within the stored confines of the museum dedicated to James Matthew Barrie. Then after reading it to a group of child patients dreams she is Wendy, her fellow child patients are Lost Boys and the Darling brothers who then are all taken along with her by Peter Pan to Neverland during which they meet Tiger Lily and battle pirates led by Captain Hook. [2]