The story follows Kizhakkethil Sundaresan, a ration shop owner, who never attended college. He is married to Radhamani, an M.Sc. graduate. When Radhamani gets a job at the Secretariat in Thiruvananthapuram, she is excited and will need to move far from home. However, Sundaresan cannot leave his store and go with her, nor does he want Radhamani to go alone. In the argument that follows, Radhamani decides that she will go at any cost, and Sundaresan decides to go with her.
They both rent a home and move to Thiruvananthapuram. Sundaresan does all sorts of foul plays to get her fired from her job so that they can go home. Finally, he steals a confidential file that Radhamani was responsible for. He does this with the help of a clerk in her office, who also owns the house the couple is renting. Radhamani is humiliated at the office and attempts suicide. She is hospitalized, and Sundaresan confesses the truth to her boss. Radhamani decides to break up the relationship.
Later, Sundaresan learns that Radhamani is pregnant. However, his every attempt to heal the breakup and to see her fails. Sundaresan decides that he will join the evening college and take graduation. He works hard in his studies, earns his degree, and also takes a job as a bus conductor in KSRTC. Radhamani gives birth during that time, decides to forgive her husband, and the couple reunites.