Past Lies (Spanish: Las largas sombras, lit. 'The long shadows') is a Spanish limited thriller television series directed by Clara Roquet and Júlia de Paz Solvas based on the novel by Elia Barceló. It was made available on Disney+ on 10 May 2024. It stars Elena Anaya, Belén Cuesta, Irene Escolar, Marta Etura, Ana Rayo, Itziar Atienza, and Lorena López.
The plot tracks a group of fortysomething friends from Elda, to whom the disappearance of their friend Mati 25 years ago comes back to haunt them.[1]
Clara Roquet directed alongside Júlia de Paz and wrote the series alongside Miguel Sáez Carral, Adrià P. Xancó, Lucía Carballal, and Estíbaliz Burgaleta.[3] Filming took place in the Valencia region (Elda, Benidorm, La Falla de Moraig, Denia, Altea) and Madrid.[4]