Paraguayan Communist Party (independent) (in Spanish: Partido Comunista Paraguayo (independiente) is a communist political party in Paraguay. PCP(i) was founded in 1967 as a split from the Paraguayan Communist Party (PCP). Since the defeat of the guerrilla groups led by the PCP in 1963, opposition to the party leader Oscar Creydt in the PCP had grown. He was first criticised for his authoritarian behaviour and later for his anti-Cuban and pro-Chinese positions. He was deposed as secretary general in August 1965 and excluded from the party in 1967. His party faction first kept the same name as the pro-soviet faction but since 1973 “independent” was added to the party name.
Many of the activities of the PCP(i) were directed against the PCP. The party was subjected to harsh repression by the regime of Alfredo Stroessner. It publishes “Unidad Paraguaya”. When Creydt died in 1987 the party was very weak. When Stroessner fell in 1989 the party stayed in a semi-clandestinity.
^Hobday, Charles (1986). Communist and Marxist Parties of the World. Harlow: Longman Group. p. 369.
^Alexander, Robert J. (1999). International Maoism in the Developing World. Westport: Praeger Publishers. pp. 149–151.
Alexander, Robert J., Maoism in the Developing World, Praeger Publishers, Westport, 1999, p.149-151
Alexander, Robert J., Political Parties of the Americas, Canada, Latin America and the West Indies, Greenwood Press, Westport, 1982, p. 578-579
Akademie für Gesellschaftswissenschaften beim Zentralkomitee der SED, Institut für Imperialismusforschung, Institut für Internationale Arbeiterbewegung. Dokumentation. Die auf die heutige Pekinger Führung orientierten, die linksradikalen, die guerilleristischen Gruppen und die pseudolinken Terroristen-Gruppierungen in der kapitalistischen Welt. Ende der 70er/Anfang der 80er Jahre, October 1980 (Berlin), p. 213
Hobday, Charles, Communist and Marxist Parties of the World, Longman Group, Harlow 1986, p. 369
Lo Bianco, Miguel, Oscar Creydt. Luces y sombras, in: Pensamiento Crítico en el Paraguay. Memoria del Ciclo de Conversatorios 2014, BASE-IS, Asunción, 2014, p. 75-92
Nickson, Andrew, Oscar Creydt. Una biografía, El Lector, Asunción, 2011
Rosales, Humberto, Historia del Parido Comunista Paraguayo (1928 - 1990), 2009