American television sitcom
One of the Boys is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from January 23 to April 24, 1982. It starred Mickey Rooney, Dana Carvey, Nathan Lane, and Scatman Crothers.[1]
TV Guide ranked One of the Boys at number 24 on its TV Guide's 50 Worst Shows of All Time list in 2002.
It was the final sitcom produced by TOY II Productions.
BET aired reruns of the show in the late-80s.
Oliver Nugent (Mickey Rooney) is a spry senior citizen, who, along with his friend Bernard Solomon (Scatman Crothers), leaves his nursing home and moves in with his college-aged grandson, Adam Shields (Dana Carvey), who is attending Sheffield College in New Jersey, and his roommate, Jonathan Burns (Nathan Lane). Also involved is Adam's girlfriend, Jane (Meg Ryan) and their landlady, Mrs. Green (Francine Beers), who is more than entranced with Oliver.