Olympia High School (OHS), commonly referred to as Oly, is a public high school in the southeast part of Olympia, Washington along the city's border with Tumwater. It is the oldest of two comprehensive high schools in the Olympia School District, and also one of the oldest public secondary schools in the state of Washington.[3]
Olympia High School opened in 1849 as additional public schooling beyond 1-8 curriculum and graduated its first class in 1849.[citation needed] OHS shared a few locations with elementary schools before having its own building in 1907, when OHS became officially named William Winlock Miller School, a high school. The 1907 building was built on a square block donated by the widow of pioneer leader William Winlock Miller on ground immediately east of the today's sunken gardens, part of the Washington State Capitol Campus. That building burned in 1918, its Tenino sandstone was salvaged in 1920 to construct the face of the Power House on Capitol Lake, used to heat Washington's permanent capitol campus that proceeded in construction.[citation needed]
The next structure for W.W. Miller High School was built in 1919 between 12th and 13th Streets on Capitol Way because the state had purchased the land near the sunken garden to increase the Capitol grounds. An auditorium, gymnasium, and more classrooms were added to that building in 1926; however, any further expansion on this site was impossible. As the school's capacity needed increasing, 40 acres (160,000 m2) between Carlyon Avenue and North Street were purchased.
Until 1955, Oly drew students from all of Thurston County, Washington, except its most southern reaches. But Oly's catchment area split in 1955 with the creation North Thurston High School, then split again in 1961 as Tumwater High School opened, then once again with the spawning of Capital High School in 1975. Today's location of OHS opened in 1961, and underwent a full renovation, completed in the summer of 2000 that enclosed the 9 separate buildings of the 1961 design.
Olympia High School is a 4A-division member of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association.[4]
Olympia High School is known for their athletics teams consistently placing in the top 10 for the 4A classification.
Bruce P. Crandall, 1951, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army (Ret.) (Medal of Honor Recipient) (helicopter pilot, call sign "Snake", in movie We Were Soldiers)
Geraldine de Courcy, 1902, music critic, author, intelligence worker, translator