In the 2015 regional election councillor Kandorozu (NUDO) was reelected with 3,628 votes, followed by Jonathan Tjakuva (SWAPO) with 2,126 votes and Abdal Mutjavikua of the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA) with 1,702 votes. Mujazu Urika of the South West Africa National Union (SWANU) also ran and gained 100 votes.[5] The NUDO candidate also won the 2020 regional election. Abdal Mutjavikua received 2,813 votes, well ahead of Gebhard Kandango (SWAPO) with 1,544 votes. Uamunika Murangi of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM, the new name of the DTA, 350 votes) came third with 1,455 votes, and independent candidate Ambrosius Mundjindjiri gained 1,385 votes.[2]