It had a population of 2,569 in 2021. The main employer in the town is the CIMRG plant which manufactures components for Renault cars and employs some 800 people. Nogent-sur-Vernisson station has rail connections to Montargis, Nevers and Paris.
Nogent-sur-Vernisson is the site of the Arboretum national des Barres, adjacent to which is a division of the research agency Irstea (formerly Cemagref), which works to conserve the genetic resources of native trees.[4]
The town has a 12th-century AD church of St Martin in which Pope Pius VII celebrated Mass while on his way to the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804. There are also remains of walls from Roman times.
^Collin, E. (2001). Elm. In Teissier du Cros (Ed.) (2001) Forest Genetic Resources Management and Conservation. France as a case study. Min. Agriculture, Bureau des Ressources Genetiques CRGF, INRA-DIC, Paris: 38-39.