Local NDC partnerships were established for each regeneration area to ensure that change was community led. Initially in 1998, 17 local partnerships were announced, later increased in 1999 with the establishment of a second round of 22 partnerships, increasing the total number to 39.
Round 1 local partnerships
In 1998 local partnerships were agreed for the following local authority areas:
Wolverhampton (All Saints and Blakenhall Community Development (ABCD))
These partnerships stopped receiving funding in 2011.
The Newcastle New Deal for Communities was working to change the face of Newcastle upon Tyne's West End over a ten-year period. Since it began in 2000, the programme has aimed to tackle deprivation in the areas of Arthur's Hill, Cruddas Park, Rye Hill and Elswick, through community-led regeneration. More than 100 projects are aiming to bridge the gap between those communities in the West End and those in wealthier parts of the city. The programme tackled five key themes: poor job prospects; high levels of crime; educational under-achievement; poor health; and problems with housing and the environment. New Deal's commitment to put residents in charge of the area's regeneration is reflected in the organization's structure - the Board of Directors included a majority of twelve elected residents. As of September 2006, recorded crime in the New Deal catchment area had fallen by 21 per cent thanks to a £3.4m package of crime-busting measures.
One study on health outcomes of the NDC programme found "statistically significant improvements for income, fear of crime and satisfaction with the local area. However, with the exception of satisfaction with the local area, no statistically significant differences in overall change in NDC compared with comparator areas were found."[35]
An evaluation by the Ministry for Communities and Local Government found "In general NDC areas have narrowed the gaps with the rest of the country." However, the report also acknowledged that some of the improvements were cosmetic, and that "increasing proportions of owner-occupiers will help achieve outcome change and will dilute the scale of problems in regeneration areas; but existing residents in social housing schemes are unlikely to be able to purchase new owneroccupied dwellings".[36]