In the 1988 Hong Kong Sevens, one of their players, Marcel Bierman, broke his neck in a tackle, subsequently requiring a wheelchair as an assistive device. [1]
In the 1989 Hong Kong Sevens, they beat Bahrain by a large margin: 24-4.[2] That year the team had the distinction of including four brothers: Hans, Andre, Mats and Peter Marcker.[1]
Bill McLaren was particularly impressed by Bart Wierenga
"the player who made the biggest impression was a gangly lad with a head of hair like a wind-blown thatched cottage, Bart Wierenga, who ran his heart out in a series of tingling performances."[1]
On the team's lap of honour, Wierenga wheeled Marcel Bierman around the pitch, to loud cheers and claps from the audience.[1]