Canadian academic Clive Thompson has referred to Causse as a "writer of radical lesbian texts."[5] In her works, she is critical of heterosexuality, stating that "as long as a woman wishes to please a man, she is inauthentic... She does not have the integrity, the un-corruptibility that comes with not wishing to please."[6]
Causse was also critical of both the Women's Movement and of the concept of a homosexual movement, stating, "I am not a feminist, I am not a homosexual, I am a radical lesbian." She believed that "the women's movement is sustained by lesbians in every country; it is a lesbian movement, profoundly lesbian."[7] She was also critical of the influence of patriarchy on lesbians, claiming that lesbians were "phallicized" in the 1980s by the male homosexual movement.[8]
In her last years, she lived in the southwest of France.[9] Causse chose to end her life on her 74th birthday, in association with Dignitas, an assisted suicide group in Switzerland.[10][11]
Although Causse had no terminal illness, she had several severe diseases.[which?]
Nomen est omen, post-face in "Défigures du soi", (inédit)
Claude Cahun ou la mutante héroïque, Pour une anthologie des créatrices lesbiennes dans la Résistance, a cura di Paola Guazzo, Bagdam Espace Lesbien, avril 2008
La narrée navrée, Centenaire de Violette Leduc, Revue Trésors à prendre, dir. Elisabeth Seys, 2007
Inside Deep throat, commentary on the film Deep Throat, in collaboration with Katy Barasc, Sysiphe, 2006
Pourquoi les gays ne peuvent-ils pas être les alliés objectifs des lesbiennes ?, Les Pénélopes, 2002, Bagdam Espace Lesbien, 2006
Noir dessein (lettre à Nicolas Hulot), Bagdam Espace Lesbien, 2006
Le genre comme espace de contention, Université de Beyrouth, 2005
A propos de Lynndie England : Tragédie de la mimesis ou comment muer l'objet en sujet répréhensible, in collaboration with Katy Barasc, Sysiphe, 2004
Qui a peur de Valerie Solanas ?, Bagdam Espace Edition, Toulouse, 2004, pages 19–35
Hommage à Monique Wittig, Tribute to Monique Wittig. Extrait du chapitre "La grande Pérégrine" in Voyages de la Grande Naine en Androssie (Ed. Trois, Montréal, 1993), numéro spécial, Labrys-études féministes, Brasília-Montreal-Paris, September 2003
Sur le voile, Sisyphe, 2003
Une politique textuelle inédite : l'alphalecte in Lesbianisme et féminisme. Histoires politiques, Ed. L'harmattan, 2002
L'universite : Alma mater ou père indigne ?, 2e Colloque international d'études lesbiennes: La grande dissidence et le grand effroi, Actes du colloque Espace lesbien n° 2, Bagdam Espace Edition, Toulouse, 2001
^Thompson, Clive. Bakhtin and Feminist Projects: Judith Butler's Gender Trouble in Bakhtin: Carnival and Other Subjects, Ed: David Shepherd 1993 Rodopi, ISBN90-5183-450-0, p213
^Causse, Michele. La Parole métèque, 1991, Montreal, pp. 17–18
^Frédéric Martel, Jane Marie Todd, The Pink and the Black: Homosexuals in France Since 1968, Stanford University Press, 1999, ISBN0-8047-3274-4, p81
^Frédéric Martel, Jane Marie Todd, The Pink and the Black: Homosexuals in France Since 1968, Stanford University Press, 1999, ISBN0-8047-3274-4, p. 176