There is one species in this genus - Merogregarina amaroucii.
The trophozoites are found in the intestinal lumen. They measure 23-31 microns x 11-15 microns. They are initially ovoid and become vermiform as they mature. The single nucleus lies at the anterior end and has one nucleolus.
The trophozoites develop in multinucleated schizonts which give rise to 8-20 merozoites. The merozoites are 5-6 microns x 1 micron.
This species is found in species of the ascidian genus Amaroucium.
The parasite infects the gastrointestinal tract and is presumably transmitted by the orofaecal route but the details of this mechanism are presently unknown.
Schizogony is intracellular.
^Porter (1908) A new Schizogregarine, Merogregarina amarouciinov.gen., nov. sp., parasitic in the alimentary canal of the composite Ascidian, Amaroucium sp. (Prel. Comm.). Archives de Zoologie Paris (Ser 4) 9 (xliv-xlviii)