Japanese manga series
Megumi (めぐみ) is a manga based on the life of Megumi Yokota, a Japanese girl who was abducted when she was 13 years old by North Korean spies in 1977. The manga concept was conceived by her mother and father and was penned by Souichi Moto under their supervision.
The manga follows Megumi's final days in her home town before her abduction.
As of 2008, the Government of Japan announced an anime adaptation will be created from the manga. The anime is dubbed in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, English and Russian. In addition, there are Japanese dubbed versions with subtitles in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. The government authorized a free downloadable version, as well as a DVD release.[1][2]
All Japanese cast members were asked by Kouichi Yamadera for participation through the Japan Actors Union (Nippairen). Yamadera said, "The abduction is an act of disregarding human rights, not accepted. We Japanese people should emphasize our anger."[3]
Megumi cast
Michio Hazama
Walter Roberts
Kyong-wan Park
Zhongling Qi
Grigory Apukhtin
Megumi Yokota
Minami Takayama
Soness Stevens
Dal-rae Jin
Liang Li
Marina Artyushenko
Shigeru Yokota
Kouichi Yamadera
Walter Roberts
Kyong-wan Park
Zhongling Qi
Grigory Apukhtin
Sakie Yokota
Rika Fukami
Sally Koshinaka
Mi-sung Lee
Zhenlin Piao
Marina Belova
Takuya Yokota (child)
Megumi Tano
Stacy Powell
Eui-jung Kim
Xiangning Li
Anastasia Boldyreva
Takuya Yokota (adult)
Bin Shimada
David Schaufele
Kui-uk Cheon
Wanzhou Wang
Fedor Solntsev
Tetsuya Yokota
Thomas Melesky
Shin-ichiro Miki
David Schaufele
Sung-hee Chang
Yuxing Chang
Anatoly Krasnov
Yumiko Akaike
Stacy Powell
Eui-jung Kim
Gyomei Ri
Anastasia Boldyreva
Masahito Kawanago
David Schaufele
Sung-hee Chang
Gyosei Jo
Anatoly Krasnov
Administration official
Aruno Tahara
David Schaufele
Sung-hee Chang
Gyosei Jo
Anatoly Krasnov
Junko Shimakata
Stacy Powell
Eui-jung Kim
Gyomei Ri
Anastasia Boldyreva
See also
External links