Matthias Gelzer (19 December 1886, Liestal – 23 July 1974, Frankfurt am Main) was a Swiss-German classical historian, known for his studies of the Roman Republic in regard to its politics and society. He was the author of highly regarded biographies on Julius Caesar, Pompey and Cicero.
Die Nobilität der römischen Republik, 1912 – Nobility of the Roman Republic,
Die Nobilität der Kaiserzeit, 1915 – Nobility of the Empire.
Caesar, der Politiker und Staatsmann, 1921, translated into English and published in 1968 as "Caesar: politician and statesman".
Vom römischen Staat; zur Politik und Gesellschaftgeschichte der römischen Republik, 1944 – The Roman state. Politics and social history of the Roman Republic.
Pompeius, 1949 – Biography of Pompey.
Cicero; ein biographischer Versuch, 1969 – Biography of Cicero.[3]