MasterChef Pinoy Edition was a Philippine competitive cooking game show broadcast by ABS-CBN. The show is based from the British television series, MasterChef. Hosted by Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo. Santos-Agoncillo was also joined by chefs Fernando Aracama, Rolando Laudico and JP Anglo as the judges of the show,[1][2] it aired on the network's Umaganda morning line up from November 12, 2012 to February 9, 2013, and was replaced by Ohlala Couple.[3][4]
Of all the amateur chefs who auditioned nationwide, the chosen auditionees, usually three to four auditionees per episode, had to cook their signature dish under a 60-minute time limit for the four judges. Each judge took a taste of the dishes and gave their opinions before they all chose the auditionee who was to move on to the next round. After the initial round, all the auditionees underwent more further cooking tests until the four judges had chosen the top finalists.
Each week, the finalists underwent numerous challenges and tests. The finalists also underwent elimination tests reducing their numbers until the only remaining hopeful cook remained.
Unlike its international counterparts, the show was broadcast as a weekday morning program airing 45 minutes per episode 5 times a week, Monday through Friday, while the Saturday edition included encore episodes with never before seen footage during the taping where they discovered and whipped up extraordinary dishes as well as giving out cooking tips and trivia.[5]
The winner of the competition received the four million peso cash prize, a culinary scholarship from the Center of Asian Culinary Studies, and a kitchen showcase from Fujidenzo.[4][6]