Falls Career High School is an alternative high school program in run in MFISD that allows high school-aged students to concurrently work and attend school. The current criteria for acceptance include the student's age, a minimum number of credits earned toward graduation, and being in circumstances where they are at-risk of or have dropped out of school, are unable to graduate with their cohort class, or a traditional high school cannot meet his/her needs.
Falls Career High School was piloted in August 2002 and there were 46 students in the first graduating class of 2003. Since its conception, the Falls Career program has been housed with the school district's offices in the Granite Building across the street from Marble Falls Elementary School. The successful passage of a November 2006 bond election included a provision to re-purpose the current Colt Elementary building into a new central office for the district and Falls Career/EPIC program once a new building for the elementary school is completed.[5]