Madhya Pradesh Police is headed by the Director General of Police (DGP). The Director General of Police functions from the police headquarters in Bhopal. The DGP is assisted by a team of senior officers from the ranks of ADGP and IG of police to Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG - a post equivalent in rank and status to the superintendent of police).
The Madhya Pradesh Police uses the following ranks:[2]
Madhya Pradesh Police is headed by Director General of Police. He is assisted by Additional Directors General of Police, who head various branches in Police Headquarters.[3]
Black Ribbon Initiative- on 26 November 2013 ADGP Mr. Varun Kapoor of PRTS Indore launched an awareness and public outreach program] to make all sections of society computer security aware and alert. This is designed to protect the citizens from becoming victims of cyber offences and at the same time to prevent them from become offenders under the various sections of the Information Technology Act, 2000, by mistake or due to lack of knowledge. In last five years they have conducted more than 300 workshops across India. This initiative was spearheaded by IPS Mr.Varun Kapoor.[4]
Statistical data
Madhya Pradesh Police department publish its statistical data every year.(See reference link below for PDF) ([5]