This show marks the return of one of the most beloved and requested Phish songs ever – Mike Gordon's "Destiny Unbound" – which had not been played since December 1991. The song's lengthy absence from the rotation fueled its legendary status (much like Grateful Dead's "Unbroken Chain") to the point where fans would go to extreme lengths to encourage the band to perform the song, such as having the entire front row recite the first verse via flyers passed out to concertgoers by eager fans. The performance, having not been performed for the previous 796 shows, was considered the ultimate retirement breakout in the band's history (although at the time, 12 other songs had breakouts with gaps of longer duration. The only original composition among these 12 songs was "The Curtain With", which the band performed on July 12, 2000 after having not performed the song in 1092 consecutive shows).
Aside from the "Destiny Unbound" breakout, exceptional jams in "Bathtub Gin", "Back on the Train", "Tweezer" and "Soul Shakedown Party" helped make this performance one of the most celebrated concert of Phish's post-hiatus "2.0" period (2002–2004). The version of "Tweezer," known to fans as the "Nassau Tweezer," is particularly highlighted as one of the best jams of that era.[1][2]
This show was also among a small batch of the 2003 live shows to be released in CD form, and marked the first time that "Destiny Unbound" had appeared on an official Phish release.