Narcondam hornbills are endemic to Narcondam Island in the Andamans.
This is a list of endemic birds of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands . It is one of a series providing information about endemism among birds in the world's various zoogeographic zones.
Endemic Bird Areas
BirdLife International has defined the following as Endemic Bird Areas :
List of species
The following is a list of species endemic to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands , India :
Species endemic to the Andaman islands
Andaman serpent-eagle , Spilornis elgini
Andaman crake , Rallina canningi [ 1]
Brown coucal , Centropus andamanensis
Andaman scops owl , Otus balli [ 1]
Hume's boobook , Ninox obscura
Andaman barn-owl , Tyto deroepstorffi
Andaman nightjar , Caprimulgus andamanicus [ 1]
Narcondam hornbill , Rhyticeros narcondami
Andaman woodpecker , Dryocopus hodgei
Andaman drongo , Dicrurus andamanensis [ 1]
Andaman treepie , Dendrocitta bayleyii
Andaman shama , Copsychus albiventris
Andaman bulbul , Pycnonotus fuscoflavescens
Andaman cuckooshrike , Coracina dobsoni
Andaman flowerpecker , Dicaeum virescens
Species endemic to the Nicobar islands
Species endemic to the two island groups
See also