Short title, or popular name | Citation | Royal assent |
Long title |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The discharge grantit to James erll of Mortoun of the administratioun of his regiment castell of Edinburgh munitioun Jowallis and utheris being thairin. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The exoneratioun and discharge of umquhile Johnne erll of Mar that last deceissit. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The declaratioun of oure Soverane lord and estaittis anent the keping of the castell of Striviling and attendance upoun our Soverane lordis maist noble persone be Johnne now erll of Mar. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The Ratificatioun of the preuilegis of burrowis with additioun. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The ratificatioun of ane act [d] maid of befoir anent the alienatioun of landis and dimissioun of benefices be thame that salhappin to be convict or ar of the murtheris of our Soverane lordis fader and of his twa regentis. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (6 Edw. 7. c. 38)) |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
Anent the alteratioun of the fair of the burgh of Irwin. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
Ane ratificatioun of the gift maid to the provest of Sanetsalvatouris college. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
Ane letre of pensioun grantit to the countesse of Mar and assignatioun thairof. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The ratificatioun of the infeftment maid to the maister of Glencarne of the landis of Boghall and Mylntoun. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The pacificatioun grantit to the lord Home. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The pacificatioun grantit to Johnne Cranstoun of Morestoun. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
Ane pacificatioun grantit to Johnne Maitland of Achingassill. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The pacificatioun of Alexander Hepburne of Quhitsum. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The pacificatioun of maister Thomas Hepburne persone of Auld Hamestokis. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
The pacificatioun of capitane Robert Lauder. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
Ane act concerning Sir David Home of fiswik and the laird Lethington. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
Ane act concerning the kyndlie tennentis of the bischoprik of Dumblane. |
| | 25 July 1578 |
| | 25 July 1578 |
Ane Commissioun grantit to certane lordis to decyde in ane caus betuix the Gordounis and the Forbessis. |