William Boney retires to a peaceful life on a ranch but when trouble brews dons the mask and black outfit of Billy the Kid once more, riding his horse Satan to drive off villains.
John Trevor, his children Eric and Kaye and the archaeologist Professor Warwickson set off to a Roman wall in Northumberland to search for a cache of documents reputedly buried there by Centurion Paulus. However, they find landowner Mr. Russell to be strangely uncooperative.
Ace Daily Bugle reporter Clip McCord is recruited by the secret service to stop the machinations of criminal mastermind the Hawk, aided by assistant Mary Trent.
The Cruise of the Cormorant
Published: 11 November 1947 to 17 February 1948[1]
Ace sharpshooter Sue Sage lives with her grandfather, little brother Timmy and little sister Lottie on Sundown Ranch. However, gambler and Sourdough City mayor Lou Largo plans to take over their spread.
Dick Turpin
Published: 17 February 1951 to 17 October 1959 (strip), 15 September 1956 to 4 May 1957 (text)[1]
Unjustly outlawed, Dick Turpin and his female companion Moll Moonlight roam the roads of Britain, foiling villains such as Creepy Crawley. Later, Turpin allied with friend Jem Peters and servant Beetles.
Later reprinted in Thriller Picture Library. The text stories ran parallel to the picture strips. The latter were later reprinted as "Jack o' Justice" in Valiant; Moll retained her name in the reprints and continued as a supporting character when new material was printed.[1]
Exploring their home of Dingle Farm, twins Roy and Julia Cranston discover a secret message, which shepherd Tom Marsden believes might lead to the fortune of his late uncle Simon. However they must unravel the mystery before cowhand Jake Taylor and sinister Mr. Manson are able to do so.
Schoolboys Tom Standring and Billy Baldwin find a fragment of a map to the buried treasure of notorious pirate Paul Caron. However, their search sees the pair fall into the hands of a gang of smugglers.
Max Bravo is a gallant, skilled rider in the French Army's 9th Hussars as Napoleon's forces battle through Central Europe. Bravo must also be wary of vicious rival Sergeant-Major Slashtrap.
A hare called Harold has adventures in a world of anthropomorphic animals called Leafy Wood.
Cartoon. The character later returned in preschool title Jack and Jill, then headlined spinoff title Harold Hare's Own Magazine between 1959 and 1964,[1] and was later purchased from Fleetway by Look and Learn Ltd.[3]
Noble Count Roger of Lombardy is betrayed by his jester Odo, who imprisons heir Guy and allows the French to take control of their castle. Roger's loyal retainer Marius is able to escape the purge and swears to avenge his master.
The piebald leader of a pack of wild horses wandering the plains protects his followers from the likes of Sharp Fang the wolf, Slithe the rattlesnake and Cougar the mountain lion.
Chased from his castle by Normans after his father is killed in the Crusades, Robin of Locksley and faithful servant Watt set up a base of operations in Sherwood Forest as they plan to fight back against their oppressors.
Martians planning an invasion of Earth kidnap boxer Tom Boyd to find out more about humans; he is freed by Martian Princess Gayra, and they set about thwarting the attack.
Professor Digby invents the Dwindling Pill, capable of shrinking human beings. His nephew Tim and niece Patsy take them and are miniaturised for numerous adventures.
Artists: Dut, R. J. Plummer, Patrick Nicolle, Steve Chapman[1]
On the run after shooting the man who killed his father, Michael Kearney is taken under the wing of Sitting Bull, noble chief of the Lakota tribe.
Reprints of "Sitting Bull" by Marijac and Dut from Coq Hardi from 1 October 1949 to 19 May 1951 and 29 September 1951 to 15 March 1952. Other strips were in-house material. Sitting Bull also featured in a parallel story in Knockout, "Sitting Bull's Schooldays".[1]
Susan Starr, the Girl Reporter
Published: 11 November 1947 to 3 September 1949[1]
Japanese manga series This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: High School! Kimengumi – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (June 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) High School! KimengumiManga volume 1 coverハイスクール!奇面組(Hai Sukūru! Kimengumi) MangaThird...
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هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (أبريل 2019) عرفان يوسف معلومات شخصية الميلاد سنة 1969 (العمر 53–54 سنة) مواطنة أستراليا الحياة العملية المهنة محامٍ، وكاتب اللغات الإنجليزية تعديل مصدري ...
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Australian rules footballer Australian rules footballer Stan Fairbairn Personal informationFull name Stanley John FairbairnDate of birth (1886-07-14)14 July 1886Place of birth Camperdown, VictoriaDate of death 26 February 1943(1943-02-26) (aged 56)Place of death Dandenong, VictoriaOriginal team(s) South BallaratPlaying career1Years Club Games (Goals)1910–11, 1914 Melbourne 30 (41) 1 Playing statistics correct to the end of 1914. Sources: AFL Tables, AustralianFootball.com Stanley ...