English title (UK)
English title (US)
French title
Publication date (UK)
Publication date (US)
The Search for Ancient Egypt
The Search for Ancient Egypt
À la recherche de l'Égypte oubliée (nº 1)
Jean Vercoutter
Ruth Sharman
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
Writing: The Story of Alphabets and Scripts
Writing: The Story of Alphabets and Scripts
L'écriture, mémoire des hommes (nº 24)
Georges Jean
Jenny Oates
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
Pompeii: The Day a City Died
Pompeii: The Day a City Died
Pompéi : La cité ensevelie (nº 16)
Robert Étienne
Caroline Palmer
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
The Vikings: Lords of the Seas
The Vikings: Lords of the Seas
Les Vikings, rois des mers (nº 13)
Yves Cohat
Ruth Daniel
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
Lost Cities of the Maya
Lost Cities of the Maya
Les cités perdues des Mayas (nº 20)
Claude-François Baudez, Sydney Picasso
Caroline Palmer
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
The Amazon: Past, Present and Future
The Amazon: Past, Present, and Future
L'Amazone, un géant blessé (nº 40)
Alain Gheerbrant
I. Mark Paris
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
Beethoven: The Composer as Hero
Beethoven: The Composer as Hero
Beethoven : La force de l'absolu (nº 106)
Philippe A. Autexier
Carey Lovelace
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
Van Gogh: The Passionate Eye
Van Gogh: The Passionate Eye
Van Gogh : Le soleil en face (nº 17)
Pascal Bonafoux
Anthony Zielonka
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
Gauguin: The Quest for Paradise
Gauguin: The Quest for Paradise
Gauguin : « Ce malgré moi de sauvage » (nº 49)
Françoise Cachin
I. Mark Paris
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
The Reign of the Dinosaurs
The Reign of the Dinosaurs
Le monde perdu des dinosaures (nº 69)
Jean-Guy Michard
I. Mark Paris
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
North Pole, South Pole: Journeys to the Ends of the Earth
North Pole, South Pole: Journeys to the Ends of the Earth
Le grand défi des pôles (nº 15)
Bertrand Imbert
Alexandra Campbell
18 May 1992
30 March 1992
The Life and Lore of the Elephant
The Life and Lore of the Elephant
Les Éléphants, piliers du monde (nº 93)
Robert Delort
I. Mark Paris, "Documents" translated by Carey Lovelace
18 May 1992
1 April 1992
The Search for Ancient Greece
The Search for Ancient Greece
La Grèce antique : Archéologie d'une découverte (nº 84)
Roland Étienne, Françoise Étienne
Anthony Zielonka
1 September 1992
30 October 1992
Newton: Understanding the Cosmos
Newton: The Father of Modern Astronomy
Newton et la mécanique céleste (nº 91)
Jean-Pierre Maury
I. Mark Paris
1 September 1992
30 October 1992
The Sky: Order and Chaos
The Sky: Mystery, Magic, and Myth
Le ciel, ordre et désordre (nº 26)
Jean-Pierre Verdet
Anthony Zielonka
21 September 1992
30 October 1992
The Aztecs: Rise and Fall of an Empire
The Aztecs: Rise and Fall of an Empire
Le destin brisé de l'empire aztèque (nº 33)
Serge Gruzinski
Paul G. Bahn
21 September 1992
30 October 1992
Rembrandt: Substance and Shadow
Rembrandt: Master of the Portrait
Rembrandt : Le clair, l'obscur (nº 76)
Pascal Bonafoux
Alexandra Campbell
21 September 1992
30 October 1992
Rodin: The Hands of Genius
Rodin: The Hands of Genius
Rodin : Les mains du génie (nº 44)
Hélène Pinet
Caroline Palmer
21 September 1992
30 October 1992
The Story of Jazz: Bop and Beyond
The Story of Jazz: Bop and Beyond
L'épopée du jazz 2/ Au-delà du bop (nº 115)
Franck Bergerot, Arnaud Merlin
Marjolijn de Jager
1 March 1993
15 March 1993
The Search for Ancient Rome
The Search for Ancient Rome
À la recherche de la Rome antique (nº 56)
Claude Moatti
Anthony Zielonka
29 March 1993
15 March 1993
Degas: Passion and Intellect
Degas: The Man and His Art
Degas : « Je voudrais être illustre et inconnu » (nº 36)
Henri Loyrette
I. Mark Paris
29 March 1993
15 March 1993
Volcanoes: Fire from the Earth
Volcanoes: Fire from the Earth
Les feux de la Terre : Histoires de volcans (nº 113)
Maurice Krafft
Paul G. Bahn
1 June 1993
15 March 1993
Monet: The Ultimate Impressionist
Monet: The Ultimate Impressionist
Monet : « un œil... mais, bon Dieu, quel œil ! » (nº 131)
Sylvie Patin
Anthony Roberts
21 June 1993
15 March 1993
The Exploration of Africa: From Cairo to the Cape
The Exploration of Africa: From Cairo to the Cape
L'Afrique des explorateurs : Vers les sources du Nil (nº 117)
Anne Hugon
Alexandra Campbell
21 June 1993
15 March 1993
Mozart: The Real Amadeus
Mozart: From Child Prodigy to Tragic Hero
Mozart : Aimé des dieux (nº 41)
Michel Parouty
Celia Skrine
1 September 1993
1 October 1993
Picasso: Master of the New
Picasso: Master of the New Idea
Picasso : Le sage et le fou (nº 4)
Marie-Laure Bernadac, Paule du Bouchet
Carey Lovelace
27 September 1993
1 October 1993
The Changing Universe: Big Bang and After
The Birth of the Universe: The Big Bang and After
Le destin de l'univers : Le big bang, et après (nº 151)
Trinh Xuan Thuan
I. Mark Paris
27 September 1993
Shakespeare: Court, Crowd and Playhouse
The Age of Shakespeare
Shakespeare : Comme il vous plaira (nº 126)
François Laroque
Alexandra Campbell
1 October 1993
1 October 1993
The Celts: First Masters of Europe
The Celts: Conquerors of Ancient Europe
L'Europe des Celtes (nº 158)
Christiane Éluère
Daphne Briggs
25 October 1993
1 October 1993
The Story of Rock: Smash Hits and Superstars
The Story of Rock: Smash Hits and Superstars
L'âge du rock (nº 160)
Alain Dister
Toula Ballas
25 October 1993
1 October 1993
Gaumont: A Century of French Cinema
Gaumont, un siècle de cinéma (nº 224)
François Garçon
Bruce Alderman, Jonathan Dickinson
1 January 1994
The Story of Fossils: In Search of Vanished Worlds
Fossils: Evidence of Vanished Worlds
Les fossiles, empreinte des mondes disparus (nº 19)
Yvette Gayrard-Valy
I. Mark Paris
1 March 1994
1 February 1994
Ancient Greece: Utopia and Reality
The Birth of Greece
La Naissance de la Grèce : Des Rois aux Cités (nº 86)
Pierre Lévêque
Anthony Zielonka
1 March 1994
1 April 1994
Goya: Painter of Terror and Splendour
Goya: Painter of Terrible Splendor
Goya d'or et de sang (nº 7)
Jeannine Baticle
Alexandra Campbell
14 March 1994
23 March 1994
Vampires: The World of the Undead
Vampires: Restless Creatures of the Night
Sang pour sang, le réveil des vampires (nº 161)
Jean Marigny
Lory Frankel
1 April 1994
1 March 1994
Cézanne: The First Modern Painter
Cézanne: Father of 20th-Century Art
Cézanne : « Puissant et solitaire » (nº 55)
Michel Hoog
Rosemary Stonehewer
18 April 1994
1 February 1994
The Incas: Empire of Blood and Gold
The Incas: People of the Sun
Les Incas : Peuple du Soleil (nº 37)
Carmen Bernand
Paul G. Bahn
18 April 1994
1 March 1994
D-Day: The Normandy Landings and the Liberation of Europe
D-Day and the Invasion of Normandy
6 juin 1944 : Le débarquement en Normandie (nº 202)
Anthony Kemp
Originally published in English[2]
16 May 1994
1 April 1994
Mummies: A Journey Through Eternity
Mummies: A Voyage Through Eternity
Les momies : Un voyage dans l'éternité (nº 118)
Françoise Dunand, Roger Lichtenberg
Ruth Sharman
1 October 1994
5 October 1994
Toulouse-Lautrec: Painter of the Night
Toulouse-Lautrec: Scenes of the Night
Toulouse-Lautrec : Les lumières de la nuit (nº 132)
Claire Frèches, José Frèches
Alexandra Campbell
3 October 1994
5 October 1994
Matisse: The Sensuality of Colour
Matisse: The Wonder of Color
Matisse : « Une splendeur inouïe » (nº 165)
Xavier Girard
I. Mark Paris
3 October 1994
5 October 1994
The Wisdom of the Buddha
The Wisdom of the Buddha
La sagesse du Bouddha (nº 194)
Jean Boisselier
Carey Lovelace
3 October 1994
5 October 1994
Angkor: Heart of an Asian Empire
Angkor: Heart of an Asian Empire
Angkor : La forêt de pierre (nº 64)
Bruno Dagens
Ruth Sharman
27 February 1995
1 February 1995
The Silent Gods: Mysteries of Easter Island
Easter Island: Mystery of the Stone Giants
Des dieux regardent les étoiles : Les derniers secrets de l'Île de Pâques (nº 38)
Catherine Orliac, Michel Orliac
Paul G. Bahn
1 February 1995
Cinema is 100 Years Old
Birth of the Motion Picture
Cinématographe, invention du siècle (nº 35)
Emmanuelle Toulet
Susan Emanuel
27 February 1995
1 February 1995
The Cathedral Builders of the Middle Ages
Cathedrals and Castles: Building in the Middle Ages
Quand les cathédrales étaient peintes (nº 180)
Alain Erlande-Brandenburg
Rosemary Stonehewer
27 March 1995
1 February 1995
Manet: Painter of Modern Life
Manet: The Influence of the Modern
Manet : « J'ai fait ce que j'ai vu » (nº 203)
Françoise Cachin
Rachel Kaplan
27 March 1995
1 February 1995
Voodoo: Truth and Fantasy
Voodoo: Search for the Spirit
Les mystères du vaudou (nº 190)
Laënnec Hurbon
Lory Frankel
24 April 1995
1 February 1995
Renoir: A Sensuous Vision
Renoir: A Sensuous Vision
Renoir : « Il faut embellir » (nº 177)
Anne Distel
Lory Frankel
1 August 1995
1 October 1995
The First Humans: The Search for Our Origins
Human Origins: The Search for Our Beginnings
L'Homme avant l'Homme : Le scénario des origines (nº 215)
Herbert Thomas
Paul G. Bahn
23 October 1995
15 October 1995
The Irish Famine
The Irish Famine
L'Irlande au temps de la grande famine (nº 265)
Peter Gray
Originally published in English[3]
30 October 1995
15 October 1995
The Garden: Visions of Paradise
Paradise on Earth: The Gardens of Western Europe
Tous les jardins du monde (nº 207)
Gabrielle van Zuylen
I. Mark Paris
30 October 1995
15 October 1995
Architecture of the Renaissance: From Brunelleschi to Palladio
Architecture of the Renaissance: From Brunelleschi to Palladio
La Renaissance de l'architecture, de Brunelleschi à Palladio (nº 242)
Bertrand Jestaz
Caroline Beamish
22 April 1996
30 March 1996
Charlie Chaplin: The Art of Comedy
Charlie Chaplin: Comic Genius
Charlot : Entre rire et larme (nº 245)
David Robinson
Originally published in English[4]
22 April 1996
30 March 1996
How Weather Works: Understanding the Elements
Weather: Drama of the Heavens
Pleuvra, pleuvra pas : La météo au gré du temps (nº 227)
René Chaboud
I. Mark Paris
22 April 1996
30 March 1996
The Golden Treasures of Troy: The Dream of Heinrich Schliemann
Golden Treasures of Troy: The Dream of Heinrich Schliemann
L'or de Troie ou le rêve de Schliemann (nº 250)
Hervé Duchêne
Jeremy Leggatt
7 May 1996
30 March 1996
The Crusades and the Holy Land
The Crusaders: Warriors of God
L'Orient des Croisades (nº 129)
Georges Tate
Lory Frankel
7 May 1996
30 March 1996
Corot: The Poetry of Landscape
Corot: Extraordinary Landscapes
Corot : La mémoire du paysage (nº 277)
Vincent Pomarède [fr], Gérard de Wallens [fr]
Lisa Davidson
10 June 1996
September 1996
Alexander the Great: The Heroic Ideal
Alexander the Great: Man of Action, Man of Spirit
De la Grèce à l'Orient : Alexandre le Grand (nº 27)
Pierre Briant
Jeremy Leggatt
23 September 1996
1 September 1996
Gandhi: Father of a Nation
Gandhi: The Power of Pacifism
Gandhi : Athlète de la liberté (nº 50)
Catherine Clément
Ruth Sharman
23 September 1996
1 September 1996
Underwater Archaeology: Exploring the World Beneath the Sea
Underwater Archaeology: Exploring the World Beneath the Sea
L'histoire engloutie ou l'archéologie sous-marine (nº 266)
Jean-Yves Blot [fr]
Alexandra Campbell
23 September 1996
1 September 1996
Knossos: Unearthing a Legend
Knossos: Searching for the Legendary Palace of King Minos
Cnossos : L'archéologie d'un rêve (nº 175)
Alexandre Farnoux
David J. Baker
7 October 1996
1 September 1996
Le Corbusier: Architect of a New Age
Le Corbusier: Architect, Painter, Poet
Le Corbusier : L'architecture pour émouvoir (nº 179)
Jean Jenger
Caroline Beamish
7 October 1996
1 September 1996
Cleopatra: From History to Legend
Cleopatra: The Life and Death of a Pharaoh
Cléopâtre, vie et mort d'un pharaon (nº 183)
Edith Flamarion
Alexandra Bonfante-Warren
1 March 1997
1 February 1997
Francis Bacon: 'Taking Reality by Surprise'
Francis Bacon: Painter of a Dark Vision
Bacon : Monstre de peinture (nº 287)
Christophe Domino [fr]
Ruth Sharman
24 March 1997
1 February 1997
Heraldry: Its Origins and Meaning
Heraldry: An Introduction to a Noble Tradition
Figures de l'héraldique (nº 284)
Michel Pastoureau
Francisca Garvie
14 April 1997
1 February 1997
Lewis Carroll and Alice
Lewis Carroll in Wonderland: The Life and Times of Alice and Her Creator
Lewis Carroll au pays des merveilles (nº 340)
Stephanie Lovett Stoffel
Originally published in English[5]
2 June 1997
1 February 1997
King Arthur: Chivalry and Legend
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Arthur et la Table ronde : La force d'une légende (nº 298)
Anne Berthelot
Ruth Sharman
1 September 1997
1 September 1997
The Forbidden City: Heart of Imperial China
The Forbidden City: Center of Imperial China
La Cité interdite des Fils du Ciel (nº 303)
Gilles Béguin, Dominique Morel
Ruth Taylor
27 October 1997
Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance Man
Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance
Léonard de Vinci : Art et science de l'univers (nº 293)
Alessandro Vezzosi
Alexandra Bonfante-Warren
10 November 1997
1 September 1997
Numbers: The Universal Language
Numbers: The Universal Language
L'empire des nombres (nº 300)
Denis Guedj
Lory Frankel
16 February 1998
1 September 1997
Khmer: Lost Empire of Cambodia
Khmer: The Lost Empire of Cambodia
L'Empire des rois khmers (nº 310)
Thierry Zéphir
Francisca Garvie
16 March 1998
1 March 1998
Mughal India: Splendours of the Peacock Throne
India and the Mughal Dynasty
L'Inde impériale des Grands Moghols (nº 320)
Valérie Berinstain
Paul G. Bahn
14 April 1998
1 March 1998
Chagall: The Art of Dreams
Chagall: The Art of Dreams
Chagall : Ivre d'images (nº 241)
Daniel Marchesseau [fr]
Ruth Taylor
30 June 1998
1 October 1998
Diamonds and Precious Stones
Diamonds and Precious Stones
Diamants et pierres précieuses (nº 336)
Patrick Voillot
Jack Hawkes
12 October 1998
1 October 1998
Our Prehistoric Past: Art and Civilization
Prehistoric Art and Civilization
Au cœur de la Préhistoire : Chasseurs et artistes (nº 295)
Denis Vialou
Paul G. Bahn
12 October 1998
1 October 1998
Ramesses the Great: Warrior and Builder
Ramesses II: Greatest of the Pharaohs
Ramsès II : Souverain des souverains (nº 344)
Bernadette Menu
Laurel Hirsch
1 January 1999
1 January 1999
Signs, Symbols and Ciphers: Decoding the Message
Signs, Symbols, and Ciphers
Langage de signes : L'écriture et son double (nº 67)
Georges Jean
Sophie Hawkes
18 January 1999
1 October 1998
Gustave Moreau: Magic and Symbols
Gustave Moreau : Maître sorcier (nº 312)
Geneviève Lacambre
Benjamin Lifson
1 March 1999
Standing Stones: Stonehenge, Carnac and the World of Megaliths
Megaliths: Stones of Memory
Les Mégalithes : Pierres de mémoire (nº 353)
Jean-Pierre Mohen
Dorie B. and David J. Baker
1 March 1999
1 June 1999
The Human Body: Image and Emotion
Images of the Body
Les images du corps (nº 185)
Philippe Comar [fr]
Dorie B. Baker, David J. Baker
18 October 1999
1 September 1999
The Search for Ancient China
The Search for Ancient China
La redécouverte de la Chine ancienne (nº 360)
Corinne Debaine-Francfort
Paul G. Bahn
18 October 1999
1 September 1999
Japan: The Fleeting Spirit
The Art and Culture of Japan
Le Japon éternel (nº 362)
Nelly Delay
Lorna Dale
18 October 1999
1 September 1999
Chardin: An Intimate Art
Chardin: An Intimate Art
Chardin : La nature silencieuse (nº 377)
Hélène Prigent, Pierre Rosenberg
Jane Brenton
21 February 2000
1 May 2000
The Pre-Raphaelites: Romance and Realism
The Pre-Raphaelites: Romance and Realism
Les Préraphaélites : Un modernisme à l'anglaise (nº 368)
Laurence des Cars
Francisca Garvie
17 April 2000
1 May 2000
Alchemy: The Great Secret
Alchimie, le grand secret (nº 302)
Andrea Aromatico
Jack Hawkes
1 May 2000
The Bronze Age in Europe: Gods, Heroes and Treasures
The Bronze Age in Europe
L'Europe à l'âge du bronze : Le temps des héros (nº 378)
Jean-Pierre Mohen, Christiane Éluère
David and Dorie Baker
3 May 2000
1 November 2000
Petra: The Rose-Red City
Petra: Lost City of the Ancient World
Pétra : La cité des caravanes (nº 372)
Christian Augé, Jean-Marie Dentzer
Laurel Hirsch; some documents translated by David Baker
8 May 2000
1 May 2000
Colour: Making and Using Dyes and Pigments
Colors: The Story of Dyes and Pigments
Les matériaux de la couleur (nº 383)
François Delamare, Bernard Guineau
Sophie Hawkes
27 November 2000
1 November 2000
Bonnard: The Colour of Daily Life
Bonnard: Shimmering Color
Bonnard : « La couleur agit » (nº 376)
Antoine Terrasse [fr]
Laurel Hirsch
12 February 2001
1 November 2000
Coptic Egypt: The Christians of the Nile
Coptic Egypt: The Christians of the Nile
L'Égypte copte, les chrétiens du Nil (nº 395)
Christian Cannuyer
Sophie Hawkes
1 June 2001
1 May 2001
Whales: Giants of the Seas and Oceans
Whales: Giants of the Seas and Oceans
Vie et mort des baleines (nº 2)
Yves Cohat, Anne Collet
Ruth Sharman
28 August 2001
1 November 2001
Charles Darwin: The Scholar Who Changed Human History
Darwin and the Science of Evolution
Darwin et la science de l'évolution (nº 397)
Patrick Tort [fr]
Paul G. Bahn
28 August 2001
1 November 2001
The Calendar: Measuring Time
The Calendar: History, Lore, and Legend
Le calendrier, maître du temps ? (nº 400)
Jacqueline de Bourgoing
David J. Baker, Dorie B. Baker
1 October 2001
1 November 2001
Vuillard: Master of the Intimate Interior
Vuillard: Post-Impressionist Master
Vuillard : Le temps détourné (nº 178)
Guy Cogeval [fr]
10 June 2002
11 June 2002
Gaudí: Builder of Visions
Gaudí: Visionary Architect
Gaudí : Bâtisseur visionnaire (nº 408)
Philippe Thiébaut [fr]
15 July 2002
1 April 2002
Alexandria: Past, Present and Future
Alexandria: Jewel of Egypt
Alexandrie : Hier et demain (nº 412)
Jean-Yves Empereur
Jane Brenton
5 August 2002
1 November 2002
The Invention of Photography: The First Fifty Years
The Invention of Photography
L'image révélée : L'invention de la photographie (nº 414)
Quentin Bajac
Ruth Taylor
7 October 2002
1 November 2002
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire
Gengis Khan et l'Empire mongol (nº 422)
Jean-Paul Roux
Toula Ballas
1 May 2003
1 July 2003
Tibet: Turning the Wheel of Life
Tibet: An Enduring Civilization
Le Tibet : Une civilisation blessée (nº 427)
Françoise Pommaret
Barbara Mellor, David H. Wilson
6 May 2003
1 July 2003
Dalí: The Impresario of Surrealism
Dalí: Master of Fantasies
Dalí : Le Grand Paranoïaque (nº 453)
Jean-Louis Gaillemin
David H. Wilson
1 April 2004
1 July 2004
Graphics: A Century of Poster and Advertising Design
Graphic Design: A History
Le Design graphique (nº 439)
Alain Weill
Barbara Mellor
19 April 2004
1 July 2004
Aboriginal Australians: First Nations of an Ancient Continent
Les Aborigènes d'Australie (nº 428)
Stephen Muecke, Adam Shoemaker
Originally published in English[6]
27 September 2004
J. M. W. Turner: The Man Who Set Painting on Fire
Turner: Life and Landscape
Turner : L'incendie de la peinture (nº 459)
Olivier Meslay
Ruth Sharman
23 May 2005
22 November 2005
Einstein: Decoding the Universe
Einstein: Decoding the Universe
Einstein : La joie de la pensée (nº 193)
Françoise Balibar
David J. Baker, Dorie B. Baker
23 May 2005
1 May 2001
Napoléon: "My Ambition Was Great"
Napoléon : « Mon ambition était grande » (nº 361)
Thierry Lentz [fr]
Laurel Hirsch
22 November 2005
Dada: The Revolt of Art
Dada: The Revolt of Art
Dada : La révolte de l'art (nº 476)
Marc Dachy
Liz Nash
10 April 2006
1 April 2006
Egon Schiele: The Egoist
Egon Schiele: The Egoist
Egon Schiele : Narcisse écorché (nº 475)
Jean-Louis Gaillemin
Liz Nash
5 March 2007
1 December 2006
The Pyramids of Giza: Facts, Legends and Mysteries
The Great Pyramids
Les Grandes Pyramides : Chronique d'un mythe (nº 501)
Jean-Pierre Corteggiani
Ruth Sharman
3 September 2007
1 November 2007
Frida Kahlo: 'I Paint my Reality'
Frida Kahlo: Painting Her Own Reality
Frida Kahlo : « Je peins ma réalité » (nº 512)
Christina Burrus
7 April 2008
1 April 2008
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Henri Cartier-Bresson : Le tir photographique (nº 530)
Clément Chéroux
David H. Wilson
24 November 2008
1 November 2008
Marilyn: The Last Goddess
Marilyn : La dernière déesse (nº 517)
Jerome Charyn
1 November 2008