Date A Live is an anime series adapted from the light novels of the same title written by Kōshi Tachibana and illustrated by Tsunako. The first season was produced by Anime International Company and directed by Keitaro Motonaga, covering volumes 1 to 4 of the light novel. It was broadcast on Tokyo MX from April 6 to June 22, 2013.[1] The second season was produced by Production IMS,[2] which ran from April 12 to June 14, 2014,[3] covering volumes 5 to 7 of the light novel. The third season was produced by J.C.Staff, which ran from January 11 to March 29, 2019,[4][5] covering volumes 8 to 12 of the light novel. The fourth season produced by Geek Toys was set to premiere in October 2021, but was delayed to 2022 for "various reasons",[6][7] which ran from April 8 to June 24, 2022,[8] covering volumes 13 to 16 of the light novel. A fifth season, also produced by Geek Toys, ran from April 10 to June 26, 2024,[9] covering volumes 17 to 19 of the light novel.
The series has been licensed by Funimation for streaming and home video release in North America and by Madman Entertainment in Australia.[10][11][12] Following Sony's acquisition of Crunchyroll, the series was moved from Funimation to Crunchyroll.[13]
While Tohka experiments with the new cellphone she got from Kotori, Origami approaches Shido and demands a date with him. Unable to refuse, Shido is assisted by the Fraxinus crew to ensure that their date becomes a total failure. All his attempts to ditch her are futile. Meanwhile, while shopping for dinner, Tohka calls Shido at his phone which is his earphone connection and believing his words of rejection are to her, she falls into despair and her powers go haywire. Shido runs after her to clear the misunderstanding and accidentally left his cellphone on, leading Origami to believe she'll be with him forever, making her happy at the end of her date. Sometime later, Shido has a date in the arcade with Tohka and when he asks to take a picture with her, she refuses and enters the photo cabin by herself instead. She gives him a picture of hers that she claims is for his eyes only. Back at the school, the other students accidentally see the picture, which turns out to be a photo of a naked Tohka. The only photo she ever took was during a medical examination and believed Shido wanted a similar one, much to his chagrin.
"Kurumi Star Festival / Encore" Transliteration: "Kurumi Sutā Fesuteibaru" (Japanese: 狂三スターフェステイバル)
Set on the 7th of July, the day of the Tanabata Festival. As Shido is waiting to cross the street, he sees Kurumi on the other side. After crossing, he is surprised by Kurumi who then asks him on a date all of a sudden. Shido thinks of rejecting her invitation but is curious about her acting out of character, adding on with her fake crying, he eventually agrees to do so. After looking at many delicious foods being sold at the festival, Kurumi brings Shido to the Planetarium. At first, Shido doesn't intend to bother about it but it seems that his point of view on Kurumi begins to change; he thinks that she is really acting like a normal girl but still feels doubtful because he hasn't figured out her true intentions. While watching a presentation in the Planetarium, they have a conversation about the Legend of Orihime and Hikoboshi. Kurumi then tells Shido that she wants to write a tanzaku, believing her written wish will be granted. The truth is, Shido's real purpose of going out was to go shopping and prepare for dinner, but doesn't have the opportunity to get away from Kurumi as he finds himself unable to leave her side. As they are walking, Kurumi sees an advertisement for a free wedding and told him that she wants to have good memories with him and vice versa. Although reluctant at first, Shido understands and tells her that they have to ask first and if they won't be allowed, she has to forget about it. Kurumi coerces the attendant by claiming she was terminally ill allowing herself and Shido to participate. They are given a photo as a memento and then move on. As the evening arrives, Kurumi and Shido both write their tanzaku and then go to find a place to hang them. Shido is then shocked as the real Kurumi arrives, having been hunting down the version of herself that Shido had been spending the day with, who is the Kurumi he had swayed on top of the school last month that had survived Kurumi's attempt to kill her. After pulling the other self into her shadow, Kurumi leaves just as Kotori, Tohka and Yoshino arrive. Shido reads the tanzaku and runs to a rooftop to hang it at the highest point on the tree as it is believed that doing so makes the wish more likely to come true. Tohka catches him when he falls and they all return home. The tanzaku is then shown to say "I wish to spend another day with you." At home, Shido prepares dinner for the girls while the photo of him and Kurumi sits on his desk.