Leipzig Riverside Forest (German: Leipziger Auenwald) is one of the largest lowland Riparian forests in Central Europe, lying mostly within the city limits of Leipzig city in Germany. The nature reserve is partially covered with hardwood forest and contains a large variety of endangered species. [citation needed]
Leipzig Riverside Forest is divided into separate southern and northern parts, between which is a corridor containing many parks and green areas along the banks of the White Elster. Between the two there is a certain ecological link through a corridor that comprises parks and grassland and which lies along the Elster Basin, which was constructed to provide flood protection, the Elster flood plain and other water bodies of the Leipzig River Network. The total area covered is approx. 2500 hectares.
Originally, the hardwood forest hosted more elms and black poplars which have become rare over the years, however the amount of old oaks with massive stems is still remarkable. The mixed forest contains many different tree species, almost half of them are either ash, maple or sycamore maple. Also found are small-leaved linden, common horn beam and various kinds of willows.[1]
In spring, the ground is covered with wild garlic, sprinkled with spring snowflakes and corydalis in colors ranging from white and pink to purple. Some rather rare plants like the Geum rivale can also be found in the wet, almost swampy parts of the area.[2]