Kill the Poor begins with a fire in the apartment of tough guy Carlos DeJesus and his trouble-making son, Segundo. The screenplay then focuses on the other tenants of the rundown building in an attempt to determine who set the blaze.
The other principals are:
Joe Peltz, a young man who ignored his uncle's warnings to bring his wife Annabelle and their young child into the neighborhood where his Jewish grandparents had their start in America
Spike, an aspiring found-object sculptor
Delilah, a flamboyant gay man
Butch, a presumptuous graduate student
Scarlet, the tenement's resident floozy
Negrito, a fixture in the neighborhood
A shared distrust of Carlos and Segundo unites this eclectic group and prompts them to hold "co-op" meetings with one goal: eviction of Carlos and Segundo DeJesus.