Kenta Kamiya was born on May 27, 1995, in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. His childhood friends and former classmates include fellow The Rampage member Rui Yonamine, JO1's Sho Yonashiro and model Ryucheru/Ryuchell.[2]
Kamiya has been active as a child actor and starred in the two films Ryukyu Cowboy Yoroshiku Gozaimasu (2007)[3] and Nirai no Oka〜A Song of Gondola〜 (2010).[4]
However, when he was in his third grade of junior high school, he stopped his acting career and entered EXPG Okinawa, a talent school run by LDH.[5]
Before and after The Rampage's debut Kamiya was active as a support dancer for Exile The Second. At that time, Exile The Second members ExileShokichi and Nesmith, who act as a vocalist and performer, influenced him to pursue the same career, thus he was originally training to become a vocalist. During The Rampage's musha shugyō, he did indeed sing on stage two times, however his official position in the group is only being a performer.[6]
In March 2014, he participated in the EXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITION[7] (to find a new performer for Exile) but didn't make it to the finals.
In April 2014, he was announced as a candidate member of The Rampage from Exile Tribe, and in September of the same year he became an official member.[8]
During The Rampage's first tour The Rampage Live Tour 2017-2018 "Go on the Rampage" Kamiya was introduced as a member of the group's first sub-unit alongside 4 other performers. In this sub-unit he takes on the position of a vocalist, marking the first time he would provide his vocals to any work of The Rampage. The quintet made their official debut as MA55IVE THE RAMPAGE with the digital song "Determined" on February 6, 2020.[9]
Kamiya was cast in TV Asashi's The 3Bs You Shouldn't Date as Bandman Yu.[10]