Jungle Gents is a 1954 American comedy film directed by Edward Bernds and starring The Bowery Boys. The film was released on September 5, 1954 by Allied Artists and is the thirty-fifth film in the series and the film debut of Clint Walker in an uncredited appearance at the end of the film.
Sach obtains the ability to smell diamonds after he starts taking medication for a sinus infection. He and the boys go off to Africa in search of wealth, with Grimshaw as their guide. A gang of thieves comes along and tries to steal any diamonds that they may find. They capture the boys and insist they help the thieves find diamonds. The boys are unwilling to help so they try to get Sach to catch a cold so he cannot smell any diamonds. Unfortunately the thieves enlist a witch doctor to cure Sach. A native jungle girl, Anatta, who only wants a "kiss, kiss, kiss" from Sach, comes along and rescues them.