In theoretical physics, the Jordan map, often also called the Jordan–Schwinger map is a map from matrices Mij to bilinear expressions of quantum oscillators which expedites computation of representations of Lie algebras occurring in physics. It was introduced by Pascual Jordan in 1935[1] and was utilized by Julian Schwinger[2] in 1952 to re-work out the theory of quantum angular momentum efficiently, given that map’s ease of organizing the (symmetric) representations of su(2) in Fock space.
This is the starting point of Schwinger’s treatment of the theory of quantum angular momentum, predicated on the action of these operators on Fock states built of arbitrary higher powers of such operators. For instance, acting on an (unnormalized) Fock eigenstate,
so that, for j = (k+n)/2, m = (k−n)/2, this is proportional to the eigenstate |j,m⟩, [3]
Observe and , as well as .
Antisymmetric representations of Lie algebras can further be accommodated by use of the fermionic operators
and , as also suggested by Jordan. For fermions, the commutator is replaced by the anticommutator,
Therefore, exchanging disjoint (i.e. ) operators in a product of creation of annihilation operators will reverse the sign in fermion systems, but not in boson systems. This formalism has been used[4] by A. A. Abrikosov in the theory of the Kondo effect to represent the localized spin-1/2, and is called Abrikosov fermions in the solid-state physics literature.
^Jordan, Pascual (1935). "Der Zusammenhang der symmetrischen und linearen Gruppen und das Mehrkörperproblem", Zeitschrift für Physik94, Issue 7-8, 531-535