Joh. Seb. Bach's Werke

Bach Gesellschaft edition Vol. 1, p. 1: start of the score of BWV 1.

Joh. Seb. Bach's Werke (lit.'Joh. Seb. Bach's works') is the Bach Gesellschaft's collected edition of Johann Sebastian Bach's compositions, published in 61 volumes in the second half of the 19th century. The series is also known as Bach-Gesellschaft edition (German: Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe; BGA), or as Bach-Gesamtausgabe (BG; lit.'Bach complete edition'). It is a German-language edition: title pages and notes by editors are exclusively in German.

A supplemental volume was published in 1926, a quarter of a century after the Bach Gesellschaft's dissolution. Another late addition to the series was Max Schneider's 1935 revision of the fourth volume. All volumes, including the 20th-century additions, were published by Breitkopf & Härtel. As a complete edition of Bach's works it was succeeded by the New Bach Edition, published between 1954 and 2007.


The Year (Yr.) in the second column refers to the volume's date of publication, that is the date of the editor's Vorwort ('Preface') if different from the date on the title page.[1][2][3]

Volumes of Joh. Seb. Bach's Werke[1][2][3]
V. Yr. Title Editor Content[4]
1 1851 Kirchencantaten I Hauptmann Church cantatas BWV 1–10[5][6]
2 1852 Kirchencantaten II Hauptmann Church cantatas BWV 11–20[7][8]
3 1853 Clavierwerke I Becker Keyboard music BWV 552, 669–689, 772–805, 825–831, 910–911, 944, 971, 988[9][10]
4 1854 Passionsmusik: Matthäus Rietz St Matthew Passion[11][12]
5.1 1855 Kirchencantaten III Rust Church cantatas BWV 21–30[13][14]
5.2 1856 Weihnachts-Oratorium Rust Christmas Oratorio[15][16]
6.1 1856 Messe H moll Rietz Mass in B minor[17][18]
6.2 1857 Messe H moll: 2te Hälfte Rietz Mass in B minor II–IV (revised)[19][20]
7 1857 Kirchencantaten IV Rust Church cantatas BWV 31–40[21][22]
8 1858 Messen Hauptmann Kyrie–Gloria masses BWV 233–236[23][24]
9 1860 Kammermusik I Rust Chamber music BWV 1014–1019, 1025, 1027–1032, 1037–1039[25][26]
10 1860 Kirchencantaten V Rust Church cantatas BWV 41–50[27][28]
11.1 1862 Magnificat D dur; 4 Sanctus Rust Magnificat BWV 243; Sanctus BWV 237–240[29][30]
11.2 1862 Kammermusik für Gesang I Rust Secular cantatas BWV 201–205[31][32]
12.1 1863 Passionsmusik: Johannes Rust St John Passion[33][34]
12.2 1863 Kirchencantaten VI Rust Church cantatas BWV 51–60[35][36]
13.1 1864 Trauungs-Cantaten Rust Church cantatas for weddings BWV 195–197, 250–252 (Three Wedding Chorales)[37][38]
13.2 1865 Clavierwerke II Espagne Keyboard music BWV 806–817 (English Suites; French Suites)[39][40]
13.3 1865 Trauer-Ode Rust Mourning Ode, BWV 198[41][42]
14 1866 Clavierwerke III Kroll [d] Keyboard music BWV 846–893 (The Well-Tempered Clavier)[43][44]
15 1867 Orgelwerke I Rust Organ music BWV 525–539, 541–548, 564–566, 582[45][46]
16 1868 Kirchencantaten VII Rust Church cantatas BWV 61–70[47][48]
17 1869 Kammermusik II Rust Chamber music BWV 1044, 1052–1058[49][50]
18 1870 Kirchencantaten VIII Rust Church cantatas BWV 71–80[51][52]
19 1871 Kammermusik III Rust Chamber music BWV 1046–1051 (Brandenburg Concertos)[53][54]
20.1 1872 Kirchencantaten IX Rust Church cantatas BWV 81–90[55][56]
20.2 1873 Kammermusik für Gesang II Rust Secular cantatas BWV 206–207.2[57][58]
21.1 1874 Kammermusik IV Rust Chamber music BWV 1041–1043, 1045[59][60]
21.2 1874 Kammermusik V Rust Chamber music BWV 1060–1062[61][62]
21.3 1874 Oster-Oratorium Rust Easter Oratorio[63][64]
22 1875 Kirchencantaten X Rust Church cantatas BWV 91–100[65][66]
23 1876 Kirchencantaten XI Rust Church cantatas BWV 101–110[67][68]
24 1876 Kirchencantaten XII Dörffel Church cantatas BWV 111–120[69][70]
25.1 1878 Die Kunst der Fuge Rust The Art of Fugue[71][72]
25.2 1878 Orgelwerke II Rust Chorale preludes BWV 599–668[73][74]
26 1878 Kirchencantaten XIII Dörffel Church cantatas BWV 121–130[75][76]
27.1 1879 Kammermusik VI Dörffel Chamber music BWV 1001–1012 (Sonatas and Partitas for Violin; Cello Suites)[77][78]
27.2 1879 Verzeichniss I Dörffel Catalogue BWV 1–120[77][79]
28 1881 Kirchencantaten XIV Rust Church cantatas BWV 131–140[80][81]
29 1881 Kammermusik für Gesang III Waldersee [d] Secular cantatas BWV 134.1, 208–212; Church cantata BWV 194[82][83]
30 1884 Kirchencantaten XV Waldersee [d] Church cantatas BWV 141–150[84][85]
31.1 1885 Orchesterwerke Dörffel Orchestral suites BWV 1066–1069; Sinfonia BWV 1046.1[86][87]
31.2 1885 Musikalisches Opfer Dörffel The Musical Offering[86][88]
31.3 1885 Kammermusik VII Waldersee [d] Chamber music BWV 1063–1064[86][89]
32 1886 Kirchencantaten XVI Naumann Church cantatas BWV 151–160[90][91]
33 1887 Kirchencantaten XVII Wüllner Church cantatas BWV 161–170[84][92]
34 1887 Kammermusik für Gesang IV Waldersee [d] Secular cantatas BWV 30.1, 36.1, 36.3, 173.1, 207.2, 213–215[93][94]
35 1888 Kirchencantaten XVIII Dörffel Church cantatas BWV 171–180[95][96]
36 1890 Clavierwerke IV Naumann Keyboard music BWV 818–822 (suites); various pieces in the BWV 841–999 range[97][98]
37 1891 Kirchencantaten XIX Dörffel Church cantatas BWV 181–190[99][100]
38 1891 Orgelwerke III Naumann Organ music BWV 131a, 549–551, 553–563, 567–580, 583, 585, 587–595, 598[101][102]
39 1892 Motetten, Choräle, Lieder Wüllner Motets BWV 225–231, Anh. 159; Four-part chorales and songs BWV 253–518[103][104]
40 1893 Orgelwerke IV Naumann Chorale preludes BWV 690–771[105][106]
41 1894 Kirchenmusikwerke Dörffel Church music BWV 34.2, 120.2, 178, 191–193, 197.1, 199.2, 217–220, 241–242[107][108]
42 1894 Clavierwerke V Naumann Keyboard music BWV 592a; various pieces in the BWV 821–1006.2 range[109][110]
43.1 1894 Kammermusik VIII Waldersee [d] Chamber music BWV 1023, 1026, 1033–1035, 1065[111][112]
43.2 1894 Notenbüchern A. M. Bach Waldersee [d] Notebooks for Anna Magdalena Bach[84][113]
44 1895 Handschrift Kretzschmar Manuscript facsimiles[84][114]
45.1 1897 Instrumentalwerke Dörffel Instrumental music BWV 806–817 (rev.); Canons; Klavierbüchlein W. F. Bach; etc.[84][115]
45.2 1898 Passionsmusik: Lucas Dörffel St Luke Passion[84][116]
46 1899 Verzeichniss II Kretzschmar Catalogue BWV 121ff[84][117]
1926 Die Kunst der Fuge Graeser [d] The Art of Fugue (revised)[84][118]
1935 Passionsmusik: Matthäus Schneider St Matthew Passion (revised)[119]


Gustav Mahler owned 59 of the 61 volumes of the Bach-Gesamtausgabe, and used them for his arrangements of some of Bach's compositions.[120]


  1. ^ a b Johann Sebastian Bach's Werke at SLUB Dresden website.
  2. ^ a b "BG" at Yo Tomita's Bach Bibliography (US mirror). 2 May 2011.
  3. ^ a b Terry 1920.
  4. ^ Dürr & Kobayashi 1998.
  5. ^ MDZ: bsb11131412; bsb11131444.
  6. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 1: No. 1–10 at SLUB Dresden website.
  7. ^ MDZ: bsb11131413; bsb11131445.
  8. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 2: No. 11–20 at SLUB Dresden website.
  9. ^ MDZ: bsb11131414; bsb11131446.
  10. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Clavierwerke, Band 1 at SLUB Dresden website.
  11. ^ MDZ: bsb11131415; bsb11131447.
  12. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Passionsmusik nach dem Evangelisten Matthäus at SLUB Dresden website.
  13. ^ MDZ: bsb11131416; bsb11131448.
  14. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 3: No. 21–30 at SLUB Dresden website.
  15. ^ MDZ: bsb11131417; bsb11131449.
  16. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Weihnachts-Oratorium at SLUB Dresden website.
  17. ^ MDZ: bsb11131418; bsb11131450.
  18. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Messe h-Moll at SLUB Dresden website.
  19. ^ MDZ: bsb11131419.
  20. ^ Messe H moll: zweite Hälfte at SLUB Dresden website.
  21. ^ MDZ: bsb11131420; bsb11131452.
  22. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 4: No. 31–40 at SLUB Dresden website.
  23. ^ MDZ: bsb11131421; bsb11131453.
  24. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Messen F-Dur, A-Dur, g-Moll, G-Dur at SLUB Dresden website.
  25. ^ MDZ: bsb11131422; bsb11131454.
  26. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik, Band 1 at SLUB Dresden website.
  27. ^ MDZ: bsb11131423; bsb11131455.
  28. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 5: No. 41–50 at SLUB Dresden website.
  29. ^ MDZ: bsb11131456.
  30. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Magnificat D dur und vier Sanctus C dur, D dur, D moll, G dur at SLUB Dresden website.
  31. ^ MDZ: bsb11131425; bsb11131457.
  32. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik für Gesang, Band 1 at SLUB Dresden website.
  33. ^ MDZ: bsb11131426; bsb11131458.
  34. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Passionsmusik nach dem Evangelisten Johannes at SLUB Dresden website.
  35. ^ MDZ: bsb11131427; bsb11131459.
  36. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 6: No. 51–60 at SLUB Dresden website.
  37. ^ MDZ: bsb11131428; bsb11131460.
  38. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Trauungs-Cantaten at SLUB Dresden website.
  39. ^ MDZ: bsb11131429; bsb11131461.
  40. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Clavierwerke, Band 2 at SLUB Dresden website.
  41. ^ MDZ: bsb11131430; bsb11131462.
  42. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Trauer-Ode at SLUB Dresden website.
  43. ^ MDZ: bsb11131431; bsb11131463.
  44. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Clavierwerke, Band 3: Das wohltemperirte Clavier at SLUB Dresden website.
  45. ^ MDZ: bsb11131432; bsb11131464.
  46. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Orgelwerk, Band 1 at SLUB Dresden website.
  47. ^ MDZ: bsb11131433.
  48. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 7: No. 61–70 at SLUB Dresden website.
  49. ^ MDZ: bsb11131434; bsb11131465.
  50. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik, Band 2 at SLUB Dresden website.
  51. ^ MDZ: bsb11131435; bsb11131466.
  52. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 8: No. 71–80 at SLUB Dresden website.
  53. ^ MDZ: bsb11131436; bsb11131467.
  54. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik, Band 3 at SLUB Dresden website.
  55. ^ MDZ: bsb11131437; bsb11131468.
  56. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 9: No. 81–90 at SLUB Dresden website.
  57. ^ MDZ: bsb11131438; bsb11131469.
  58. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik für Gesang, Band 2 at SLUB Dresden website.
  59. ^ MDZ: bsb11131439; bsb11131470.
  60. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik, Band 4 at SLUB Dresden website.
  61. ^ MDZ: bsb11131440; bsb11131471.
  62. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik, Band 5 at SLUB Dresden website.
  63. ^ MDZ: bsb11131441; bsb11131472.
  64. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Oster-Oratorium at SLUB Dresden website.
  65. ^ MDZ: bsb11131442; bsb11131473.
  66. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 10: No. 91–100 at SLUB Dresden website.
  67. ^ MDZ: bsb11131443; bsb11131474.
  68. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 11: No. 101–110 at SLUB Dresden website.
  69. ^ MDZ: bsb11175934; bsb11175935.
  70. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 12: No. 111–120 at SLUB Dresden website.
  71. ^ MDZ: bsb11307008; bsb11307010.
  72. ^ Die Kunst der Fuge: 1749–1750 at SLUB Dresden website.
  73. ^ MDZ: bsb11307009; bsb11307011.
  74. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Orgelwerke, Band 2 at SLUB Dresden website.
  75. ^ MDZ: bsb11326002; bsb11326003.
  76. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 13: No. 121–130 at SLUB Dresden website.
  77. ^ a b Kammermusik: Sechster Band; Thematisches Verzeichnis der Kirchencantaten, No. 1–120 at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  78. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik, Band 6 at SLUB Dresden website (includes digital facsimile).
  79. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten: Thematisches Verzeichniß der Kirchencantaten No. 1–120 at SLUB Dresden website.
  80. ^ Kirchencantaten: Vierzehnter Band, No. 131–140 at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  81. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 14: No. 131–150 at SLUB Dresden website.
  82. ^ Kammermusik für Gesang: Dritter Band at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  83. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik für Gesang, Band 3 at SLUB Dresden website.
  84. ^ a b c d e f g h Bach Gesellschaft at
  85. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 15: No. 141–150 at SLUB Dresden website.
  86. ^ a b c Orchesterwerke; Musikalisches Opfer; Kammermusik: Siebenter Band at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  87. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Orchesterwerke at SLUB Dresden website.
  88. ^ Musikalisches Opfer: 1747 at SLUB Dresden website.
  89. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik, Band 7 at SLUB Dresden website.
  90. ^ Kirchencantaten: Sechzehnter Band, No. 151–160 at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  91. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 16: No. 151–160 at SLUB Dresden website.
  92. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 17: No. 161–170 at SLUB Dresden website.
  93. ^ Kammermusik für Gesang: Vierter Band at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  94. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik für Gesang, Band 4 at SLUB Dresden website.
  95. ^ Kirchencantaten: Achtzehnter Band, No. 171–180 at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  96. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 18: No. 171–180 at SLUB Dresden website.
  97. ^ Clavierwerke: Vierter Band at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  98. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Clavierwerke, Band 4 at SLUB Dresden website.
  99. ^ Kirchencantaten: Neunzehnter Band, No. 181–190 at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  100. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchencantaten, Band 19: No. 181–190 at SLUB Dresden website.
  101. ^ Orgelwerke: Dritter Band at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  102. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Orgelwerke, Band 3 at SLUB Dresden website.
  103. ^ Motetten, Choräle und Lieder at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  104. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Motetten, Choräle und Lieder at SLUB Dresden website.
  105. ^ Orgelwerke: Vierter Band at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  106. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Orgelwerke, Band 4 at SLUB Dresden website.
  107. ^ Kirchenmusikwerke: Ergänzungsband at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  108. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kirchenmusikwerke, Ergänzungsband at SLUB Dresden website.
  109. ^ Clavierwerke: Fünfter Band at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  110. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Clavierwerke, Band 5 at SLUB Dresden website.
  111. ^ Kammermusik: Achter Band at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  112. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Kammermusik, Band 8 at SLUB Dresden website.
  113. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Musikstücke in den Notenbüchern der Anna Magdalena Bach at SLUB Dresden website.
  114. ^ Joh. Seb. Bach's Handschrift in zeitlich geordneten Nachbildungen at SLUB Dresden website.
  115. ^ Instrumentalwerke, Ergänzungsband at SLUB Dresden website.
  116. ^ Passionsmusik nach dem Evangelisten Lucas at SLUB Dresden website.
  117. ^ Bericht und Verzeichnisse at SLUB Dresden website.
  118. ^ Die Kunst der Fuge 1750: Supplementband at SLUB Dresden website.
  119. ^ Das Leiden unseres Herrn Jesu Christi nach dem Evangelisten Matthaeus at SLUB Dresden website.
  120. ^ "Das Bach-Archiv besitzt jetzt Gustav Mahlers persönliche Bach-Gesamtausgabe". Leipziger Zeitung [de] (in German). 22 February 2021.


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Texas vehicle license plates This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: missing images and info in some tables. Please help improve this article if you can. (October 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) TexasCurrent seriesNameTexas ClassicSloganThe Lone Star StateSize12 in × 6 in30 cm × 15 cmMaterialAluminumSerial formatABC-1234IntroducedJuly 2012 (2012-07)AvailabilityIssued b...


The Right HonourablePaias WingtiPCWingti pada tahun 2018Perdana Menteri Papua Nugini ke-3Masa jabatan17 Juli 1992 – 30 Agustus 1994Penguasa monarkiElizabeth IIGubernur JenderalSir Wiwa KorowiPendahuluSir Rabbie NamaliuPenggantiSir Julius ChanMasa jabatan21 November 1985 – 4 Juli 1988Penguasa monarkiElizabeth IIGubernur JenderalSir Kingsford DibelaPendahuluSir Michael SomarePenggantiSir Rabbie Namaliu Informasi pribadiLahir2 Februari 1951 (umur 72)Desa Moika, Ter...


Music scale used in Middle Eastern compositions Persian scale on C Playⓘ. The Persian scale is a musical scale occasionally found in guitar scale books, along with other scales inspired by Middle Eastern music. It is characterized by the liberal use of half steps (4), augmented seconds (2), and frequent use of chromaticism. Compare this to the one augmented second of the harmonic minor or the use of only two half-steps in all diatonic scales. This is also the Locrian mode with a major third...

KV50Tomba degli animaliIsometria, planimetria e alzato di KV50CiviltàAntico Egitto Utilizzotitolare sconosciuto EpocaNuovo Regno (XVIII dinastia) LocalizzazioneStato Egitto LocalitàLuxor DimensioniSuperficie5,11 m² Altezzamax 1,51 m Larghezzamax 1,59 m Lunghezzamax 3,79 m Volume5,25 m³ ScaviData scoperta1906 Date scavi1906 OrganizzazioneTheodore Davis ArcheologoEdward Russell Ayrton AmministrazionePatrimonioTebe (Valle dei Re) EnteMinistero delle Antichità Sito webwww.thebanmap...


Buddhist temple in Taihuai, China Tayuan Temple塔院寺Tayuan TempleReligionAffiliationBuddhismSectChan BuddhismLocationLocationWutai County, Shanxi, ChinaShown within ShanxiGeographic coordinates39°00′52″N 113°36′11″E / 39.014383°N 113.602984°E / 39.014383; 113.602984ArchitectureTypeChinese architectureDate established1302 Tayuan Temple (Chinese: 塔院寺; pinyin: Tǎyuàn Sì) is located in the central area of Taihuai town in Mount Wutai, Shanxi...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!