It lacks Ga. Re-ma and Dha-ma are frequently rendered in Meend.
Raga description
Madhyam is powerful, a nyas Swar as well as a Vadi Swara. Jogiya has Rishabha and Dhaivata Komal like Raag Bhairav, however they are not oscillated here (Andolit). In Avroh, Shuddha Nishad is Alp and is always used as a Kan Swar of Komal Dhaivat like: S' (N)d P. Sometimes Komal Nishad is also used as a Kan Swar with Komal Dhaivat like: M P d (n)d M ; M r S to enhance the beauty of this Raag. r-M and d-M are rendered in Meend.[1]