Jean-Pierre Willem , born 24 May 1938 at Sedan, France , is a doctor and founder of Médecins Aux Pieds Nus . He led numerous humanitarian missions to help victims of catastrophes and conflicts. Willem also was a doctor of medicine and president of Organic Union International.
In 1959, Jean-Pierre Willem co-organised the departure of 93 medical students to help local population during the Algerian War .
In 1964, Dr Jean-Pierre Willem was commissioned six months with Doctor Albert Schweitzer in Lambaréné (Gabon ) and then in Rwanda .
In 1977, he worked with Bernard Kouchner for Médecins Sans Frontières and went to Laos during 7 months.
In 1986, he created the Faculté Libre de Médecine Naturelle et d'Ethnomédecine (nicknamed FLMNE ), a free faculty of natural medicine .[ 1]
In 1987, he founded a non-profit organisation called Médecins Aux Pieds Nus , translatable as Barefoot doctors .
Willem met several humanitarian people during his life, such as Che Guevara , Abbé Pierre , Emmanuelle Cinquin , Jean-Paul Belmondo and Mother Teresa .
Willem co-founded the phyto -hormones selling company Aromalia.[ 2] He collaborated with André Gernez as President of Organic Union International in 2007.[ 3]
Experiments on rats or rabbits shows :
Here is a non-exhaustive list of the books published by Doctor Jean-Pierre Willem:
(in French) Prévenir et vaincre le Cancer, Guy Trédaniel , 2004, ISBN 2-84445-559-X
(in French) Le Secret des Peuples Sans Cancer, Le Dauphin, réédition 2005, ISBN 2-7163-1288-5
(in French) Les Secrets du Régime Crétois, Le Dauphin 1999, ISBN 2-7163-1155-2
(in French) Les Huiles Essentielles, médecine d'avenir, Le Dauphin 2002, ISBN 2-7163-1206-0
(in French) Les Antibiotiques Naturels, Sully 2003, ISBN 2-911074-50-5
(in French) Au Diable Arthrose et Arthrite, Robert Jauze 2003, ISBN 2-86214-045-7
(in French) Aroma-minceur, Éditions Albin Michel - 2004, ISBN 2-226-15339-X
(in French) Aroma-stress, Éditions Albin Michel – 2005, ISBN 2-226-15733-6
(in French) Aroma-famille, Éditions Albin Michel – 2005, ISBN 2-226-16867-2
(in French) Aroma-allergies, Éditions Albin Michel – 2005, ISBN 2-226-16894-X
(in French) Ensemble, sauvons notre planète (ouvrage collectif) Guy Trédaniel 2005, ISBN 2-84445-610-3
(in French) L’Ethnomédecine, une alliance entre science et tradition, Jouvence & Biocontact - 2006, ISBN 2-88353-472-1
(in French) 100 maladies du XXIè siècle Solutions Naturelles, éditions Testez – 2008, ISBN 2-87461-048-8
(in French) Mémoires d'un médecin aux pieds nus, édition Éditions Albin Michel - 2009, ISBN 978-2-226-18987-5 .
^ Since 1999, FLMNE has some certified equivalent degree with Jean-Claude Rodet's school Institut de Santé Naturelle .
^ "Aromalia official website" . Archived from the original on 2019-01-18. Retrieved 2009-02-02 .
^ DVD interview of Bilien Le scandale du siècle - Tome 1 , 2007.
^ Proximité, prévention et humilité from Jean-Pierre Willem, founder of Médecins Aux Pieds Nus , cover of Directsoir , n°544, p.6-7, Tuesday 5 May 2009.
See also
External links
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