Idol Densetsu Eriko (アイドル伝説えり子, transl. Legendary Idol Eriko) is a Japanese anime series by Ashi Productions. It ran in Japan from 1989 until 1990, spanning 51 episodes. The story has been adapted into a 3-volumemanga series by Ayumi Kawahara. The title character Eriko is based on real-life Japanese idolEriko Tamura, who performs the opening theme song and the last episode's ending theme.
Eriko Tamura is the only daughter of Yuusuke Tamura - chairman of renowned music company Tamura Productions - and former idol singer Minako Tamura. Having had a talent for singing since birth, she has always loved her parents’ media world. Then one day tragedy strikes when her parents get into a horrible car accident, which kills her father and leaves her mother in a coma. Now Eriko must take the path of singing, a path her parents did not want her to pursue. Things get worse when her uncle sets out to destroy her career. But in spite of all the hardship, she becomes an idol and wins hearts all over Japan.