The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HSCO; Hungarian: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (KSH), Hungarian pronunciation:[ˈkøspontiʃtɒtistikɒjihivɒtɒl]) is a quango responsible[1][2] for collecting, processing and publishing statistics about Hungary, its economy, and its inhabitants. The office provides details for parliamentary and administrative offices, local councils and academia, financial institutions, the public at large and the media.
To devise and conduct surveys
To demand collection of statistical data for the central state statistical system
To process and analyse information from the collection of statistical data based on compulsory and voluntary data supply
To supply data and analysis for state organizations
To satisfy requests from non-governmental organisations, parties, local government, academic researchers and the general public
To prepare and make the census and to process and publish the data from it.
There are around 1,050 people employed at the central office, with a further 450 at regional offices.[3]
The head of the Office is called the President, and leads a number of organizational units each headed by a Deputy President and having several departments:[4][5]
Departments reporting directly to the president
Internal Audit Section
Administration and International
Departments reporting to the Deputy President responsible for statistical issues
Price Statistics
Living Standards and Labour Statistics
Foreign Trade Statistics
Agriculture and Environment Statistics
National Accounts
Population Statistics
Statistical Research and Methodology Department
Sector Accounts
Services Statistics
Social Services Statistics
Business Statistics
Departments reporting to the Deputy President responsible for economic affairs